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... available grants application procedure study and research plan selection procedure. The deadline for application is February 1, 2013 and all mobilities should start before December 31, 2013 (except for staff). TV interview is available here. From December 10-14, 2012 the Erasmus Mundus Project Basileus IV was presented in Serbia and Montenegro ...
... the priorities for EU financial assistance for the period 2011-2013. The next step is the preparation, along with the beneficiaries, of programmes to set the frame for the yearly financial allocation. Finally, the programmes are implemented through specific projects on the country or at the regional level. For more information: Montenegro country profile: Montenegro IPA allocations: Contacts : Anca Paduraru (+32 2 296 64 30) Peter Stano (+32 2 295 74 84) Source: Delegation of the European Union to Montenegro EC press release, 18 December 2012 – The EU has earmarked EUR 21 ...
... contribute to integration of statistical systems of the countries of the Western Balkans into a joint European statistical system through development, processing and distribution of statistics in the area of education on the basis of single standards and harmonised methodology. The delegations of Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, FYR of Macedonia, Montenegro, Turkey and Serbia participated actively as did the representatives of Eurostat, Centre for Research in Education and Innovation (CERI/OECD), European Training Forum (ETF), National Educational Council of Finland, International Network of Educational Policy Centres, KulturContacta, UNICEF, Centre for Educational Policy and Belgrade University. The workshop participants concluded that there ...
Views from any discipline within the social sciences and humanities are accepted (interdisciplinary studies are especially encouraged). Language: English Deadline for abstracts: Please send a one page (or less) abstract of the proposal chapter by January 31, 2013. Please include (Times New Roman 12, 1.5 spacing, medium margins): - The name of the proposed chapter - The abstract - Key words - A short biography of the author (several sentences only) Send the proposal page to the address ...
... The event recorded a massive interest resulting in participation of 114 young people from FYR Macedonia, Bulgaria, Albania, Kosovo*, Serbia, Montenegro, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Romania and Ukraine, who formed 49 teams and presented their apps at the grand finale on the last day of the event. The Overall Winner at the event was the team of iDERMA (Croatia) who won S4S Fellowship, participation at Mobile Monday Budapest and Alcatel One ...
... updated blogs, links, news and galleries Source: The University of Edinburg, School of Law The Europeanisation of Citizenship in the Successor States of the Former Yugoslavia (CITSEE) is a study of the citizenship regimes of the seven successor states of the former Yugoslavia (Bosnia-Herzegovina, Croatia, Kosovo*, FYR of Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia, Slovenia). It is funded by an Advanced Investigator Award for basic research made to Jo Shaw by the European Research Council and runs for five years from April 1, 2009. CITSEE ...
... which those prerequisites are already met, since a full understanding of the researcher profession in its complexity is indispensable for sound decision and policy-making. The report (see link below) is accompanied by country fiches - of which we present here the ones prepared for the Western Balkan countries. In 2008, Montenegro counted 766 full-time research equivalents who together with part-time colleagues and external research associates were employed in the country’s two universities, nine private higher education institutions, government and the private sector. This number corresponds to about 0.3% of the total workforce in Montenegro. In order to attract young ...
... The European Commission said progress has been made as Montenegro begins to work through 35 chapters covering all aspects of the EU and its regulations which must be satisfactorily concluded to win membership in the 27-nation bloc. Veteran Prime Minister Djukanovic said earlier this month that EU membership was the main objective of his government. "Every step towards the EU ...
33% SME participation progress report in FP7 Document 21. Dec. 2012
This report also provides in-depth statistics about the composition of project consortia: 74.5% of all the grant agreements involve at least one SME and 11.1% of all the projects have an SME as its coordinator. The average EU contribution going to SMEs participating in thematic research projects so far has been about €275000 per project. When looking at FP7 in its entirety – including Research for the Benefit of SMEs and the Marie- Curie Actions – the conclusion is that of the about 91000 ...
... 2) Media, Political and Social Discourses 3) New Social Disparities/Social and Economic Change 4) States, Networks and Informality 5) Migration, Diasporas and Remittances Papers to be presented can handle topics within the region in general or deal with the processes of change in Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo*, Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia. All interested candidates should submit a single PDF file containing a short Curriculum Vitae (max. 1 page), an abstract of the proposed conference paper (max. 300 words) and a short letter of motivation (max. 1 page) by 19 January 2013 at the latest to ...
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