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The book presents the main findings of a study of current trends and issues in higher education which was conducted in seventeen higher education institutions from eight countries of the Western Balkans. The study was included in a broader research project entitled Differentiation, equity, productivity: The social and economic consequences of expanded and differentiated higher education systems – internationalisation aspects" (DEP) supported by a grant from the Slovenian Research Agency ...
In June 2003 the EU-Western Balkans summit resulted in the Thessaloniki Declaration, affirming unequivocally that ‘the future of the Balkans is within the European Union’. On the occasion of the tenth anniversary of the declaration, and on the eve of Croatia’s accession to the EU, this publication assesses the progress that the countries of the Western Balkans have made on the path to European integration in the past decade. It notes the positive momentum generated by the Thessaloniki Agenda ...
... Platform Member countries in Montenegro took the opportunity to join the Platform members during the dinner and exchange some thoughts on RTDI issues and regional cooperation: e.g. Mr. Mehmet Niyazi Tanilir (Ambassador of Turkey); Mr. Izmir Talic (Ambassador of Bosnia and Hercegovina); Mr. Aleksandar Vasilevski (Ambassador of FYR of Macedonia, Mr. Gerald Hauser (Consul of  Austrian Embassy in Montenegro), Mr. Romain Boitard (EU Delegation to Montenegro). The Steering Platform members also welcomed the discussions with representatives from RTDI sector in Montenegro: Mr. Predrag Miranović (Rector of University of Montenegro); Mr. Andjelko Lojpur  (Vice rector of the University of ...
... Review Meeting in April 2013 in Skopje is envisaged. The following innovation schemes/Task Force meetings shall be organised: Voucher scheme (interest expressed by Croatia, Kosovo*) Innovation officer (interest expressed by Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia) Strategic Innovation (interest expressed by Montenegro) Soft Landing Platforms (interest expressed by Albania, FYR of Macedonia). Fostering WBC Regional Innovation using the Smart Specialisation concept: Only EU member states and their regions are obliged to present an S3 strategy in order to be able to access structural funds of the next programming period and WBCs do not have such an official obligation at the moment ...
97% New EBRD Strategy for FYR Macedonia News 12. Jun. 2013
... and private sector investors to help improve transport networks, thereby facilitating greater cross-border trade and investment. Developing further links with the regional energy market is also a priority. The Western Balkans Investment Framework will provide the ideal policy dialogue platform for regional integration. The EBRD has been operating in FYR Macedonia since 1993 and to date has signed 80 projects with a net cumulative business volume of €1.1 billion. Nearly 36 per cent of cumulative commitments are in the infrastructure sector, 28 per cent in the financial sector, 20 per cent in the energy sector and 16 per cent in ...
The report provides an overview of the current status of climate change initiatives and methods of tracking financing aimed at climate change issues in the Western Balkans. It aims to facilitate discussions on the scope and content of such initiatives and to contribute to better planning of assistance. The intended audience includes officials from beneficiary countries, the EC, IFIs and bilateral donors involved in programming climate change assistance and climate change policies. IFI ...
This brief report provides WBIF stakeholders with an update of the macro-economic data originally presented in the “Food for Thought” paper prepared for the WBIF Steering Committee in June 2012 and the subsequent first Data Update prepared for the WBIF Steering Committee in December 2012. See Issues. It is intended to contribute the on-going discussions under the WBIF regarding how best to address the dynamic and challenging environment for investment in the region, ...
... Below you will find all presentations held. Please note also the links below which will lead you to further information regarding the SP meeting in Budva - such as Conclusions of the 14th SP. Please note that for project policy reasons all appellations in the presentation "What has been done"  Macedonia and Kosovo were replaced by FYR of Macedonia and Kosovo* (This designation is without prejudice to positions on status, and is in line with UNSCR 1244 and the ICJ Opinion on the Kosovo declaration of independence). 14th Steering Platform on Research for Western Balkan countries was held in Budva, Montenegro on June 5/6 2013 ...
This guide has been conceived as a methodological guidance for policy-makers and implementing bodies on how to prepare for and how to design, draft and implement a national/regional research and innovation strategy for smart specialisation (RIS3).  Rather than an all-encompassing, prescriptive document, the guide is to be understood as a general orientation document which will evolve as the concept develops. Indeed, the document will be improved and updated on a regular basis.  Most ...
... who have some general insight and interest in South-Eastern Europe. Tuition fees are waived for Austrian/EU students. Tuition costs approx. €745 per semester for citizens of other states but can usually be fully refunded upon successful completion of each semester for citizens of Albania, Belarus Bosnia-Herzegovina, Kosovo, Macedonia, Moldova, Montenegro, Serbia, Turkey, and Ukraine. For enquiries about the admission procedure, tuition fees and refund process at the University of Graz please contact Alexandra Fauland at the Office for International Relations. Please note that the University of Graz does not provide financial ...
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