COMPETENCE - Matching competences in higher education and economy: From competence catalogue to strategy and curriculum development

COMPETENCE was funded by the European Commission (Tempus program). Theproject aimed to contribute to the effective implementation of the European Qualifications Framework by bridging the gaps between the worlds of higher education and work/society by reducing the mismatch between learning outcomes and the requirements of the labor market.

From 2009 to 2011 project partners have cooperated for the achievement of the following main goals:

  • Development of an applied methodology to match competences offered by higher education study programs and those which are needed by the labor market
  • Foundation of 4 Competence and Observation Centers: National knowledge transfer, training & service centers for universities, companies and other stakeholders
  • Conducting 8 pilot studies (2 per partner institution from the Western Balkans)
  • Development of "Competence Catalogues" – a tool to clearly analyze the match between competences
  • Dissemination of project philosophy, approach and results to academic, business and political stakeholders
  • Assurance of sustainability of the project outcomes and quality control

Project budget: € 681.050,00 - (total project budget) € 649.153,00 - (financed by Tempus)

Further information and documentation:

General documents


Survey Results

Competences – Practical implementation

Competence Observation Centers (COC)

Competence – Teaching Kit



pdf Declaration (long version) - Lessons learned from and recommendations for the implementation of the matching of competences between higher education and the work field and the implementation of competence-based education

pdf Declaration (short version) - Recommendations for the implementation of competence-based education and the matching of competences between higher education and the work field

pdf Declaration (in Serbian)

Sustainability and quality management

pdf Recommendations for future graduate surveys



World University Service (WUS) Austria
Nina Besirevic and Ines Suh, Project Coordinators

A: Schmiedgasse 40/3, A-8010 Graz

P: +43 316 38 22 58 20

F: +43 316 93 17 51







Project type
  • Other
Coordinating institution
Country of the coordinating institution
Geographical focus
  • Bosnia and Herzegovina
  • International; Other
  • Montenegro
  • Republic of North Macedonia
  • Serbia
Scientifc field / Thematic focus
  • General
January 2009 - January 2012
Related organisations

Entry created by Desiree Pecarz on September 25, 2013
Modified on October 3, 2013