ICT-KOSEU – Supporting Dialogue and Cooperation between Europe and Kosovo* in collaborative ICT R&D




The project ICT-KOSEU aims at supporting Kosovo* to obtain financing for research and development projects in the area of ICT and to increase its capacity to participate in FP7 ICT research and to collaborate with researchers in the European Union. For more detail, go to Project.

This web site is addressed at anyone interested in new ICT, both from Kosovo and from the European Union, interested in working with Kosovo*. Registration to the web site allows to benefit from its full functionality allowing access to full information about European financing, project ideas and partners in Kosovo* and the European Union. In the collaboration space, registered visitors can search for partners or project ideas and through the full web site, and create content of their own.

The project is funded by the ICT Thematic Programme of the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme.

The vision of the ICT-KOSEU project is to support Kosovo’s efforts for inclusion into the European Research Area by strengthening its capacity to participate in FP7 ICT research and facilitating its ICT researchers’ collaboration with researchers in the EU and the WBC.

This will be done by:

  • Creating the ability in Kosovo* to develop an ICT research strategy in line with the local capacity and needs, the state of the art and the priorities set by the European Research Area;
  • Implementing this strategy, for the benefit of businesses, government/administration and the citizens of Kosovo*;
  • Creating wide spread understanding of ICT and its need for competitiveness, social welfare and the integration with the European Union;
  • Raising the level of Kosovo* to that of the other Western Balkan countries, and in the long run to that of the countries of the European Union, with respect to their participation in the FP ICT programme.
  • Using the existing and future links of the Kosovo* research community with other WBC researchers as a way to engage in collaborative research and participate in EU wide research.

The key objectives of the project are:

Key Objective 1: Identification and analysis of ICT research capacities and priorities in Kosovo* that will enable provision of recommendations for future co-operation initiatives between Kosovo* and the EU within FP7 and beyond.

Key Objective 2: Aligning the national strategies and policies of Kosovo* in the area of ICT research and information society with the regional (WB) and EU ones.

Key Objective 3: Strengthening of cooperative research links between European organisations, WBC organisations and relevant organisations in Kosovo*, with the aim of establishing strategic partnerships that would facilitate Kosovo* researchers.

Project type
  • FP7
Country of the coordinating institution
Geographical focus
  • Kosovo*
Scientifc field / Thematic focus
  • Engineering and Technology
January 2012 - December 2013

Entry created by Elke Dall on July 16, 2012
Modified on November 4, 2013