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  • Posted on April 4, 2010
  • Institute for Integration - FYR of Macedonia

    The Institute for Integration (MII) of the FYR of Macedonia is the country's first and only lobby organization with offices in Brussels and Skopje, which works on EU affairs.MII is supporting institutions... read more

  • Posted on March 27, 2010
  • Beyond the First World

    Beyond the First World is an international philanthropic project dedicated to disseminating global news and best practices in innovation management, entrepreneurship, technology transfer, intellectual... read more

  • Posted on March 24, 2010
  • OeAR Regional Consultants Ltd.

    Consulting company with 25 consultants specialised on: - Regional Development - Economic Development - Organisational Development - Tourism - European Integration read more

  • Posted on March 23, 2010
  • Southeast Europe Institute on Health and Nursing

    The Southeast Europe Institute on Health and Nursing is a multi-disciplinary network of healthcare and other professionals, representing several professional disciplines and having a broad range of skills... read more

  • Posted on March 21, 2010
  • Infonomics Society

    Our orgnisation develops innovative ideas that combine traditional techniques with advanced technologies to create something very different. read more

  • Posted on March 19, 2010
  • Fraunhofer Institute IISB

    Together with its industrial partners, the Fraunhofer Institute for Integrated Systems and Device Technology (IISB) is developing new equipment and processes for semiconductor manufacturing, as well as... read more

  • Posted on March 16, 2010
  • European Fund for the Balkans

    The European Fund for the Balkans, established in 2007 is a joint initiative of European foundations that envisions, runs and supports initiatives aimed at strengthening democracy, fostering European ... read more

  • Posted on March 11, 2010
  • Euroscience

    Euroscience was founded in 1997 by members of Europe's research community to: provide an open forum for debate on science and technology and research policies in Europe strengthen the ... read more

  • Posted on March 11, 2010
  • Euresearch

    Euresearch is a Swiss guide to European research and a Swiss support measure for European business and innovation. A National Contact Point (NCP) in the Head Office in Berne supports researchers... read more

  • Posted on March 10, 2010
  • International Aid Network

    IAN is a local non governmental organization established in 1997, and has delivered more than 50 psychosocial and 10 reaearch projects. IAN is organized into four departments: Health, Human Rights, Educational... read more

  • Posted on March 6, 2010
  • SOLTUB Ltd.

    Consulting company in the agri-food sector, project partner and manager of FP7 KBBE (EUPHOROS) and FP7 SME projects ( MYCOHUNT), partner in other FP7 KBBE applications from 2007, project application in... read more

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