Beyond the First World


Beyond the First World is an international philanthropic project dedicated to disseminating global news and best practices in innovation management, entrepreneurship, technology transfer, intellectual property and related topics to managers in developing and emerging economies. The project is not intended for managers in the United States, Western Europe or Japan.

The outputs or product of the project are: (i) a bi-monthly newsletter published free to subscribers featuring news and best practices from the developing and emerging countries of the world, and (ii) a state-of-the-art website which will feature an original paper every two weeks from an in-country expert regarding issues, challenges, successes, etc. related to the topics mentioned above. Thus, the project needs:

1. Subscribers from   (Subscribe by registering on the website, or by sending an e-mail to me at

2, Authors of papers for publication on the Website. If you have the slightest interest in writing a paper or article about the Western Balkans as a region, or about your specific country, please contact me. My challenge is to have an article ready for publication every two weeks. I need assistance from individuals in the Western Balkans.

Department / Unit
Newsletter and Website Production
Contact details
Address: 12103 Bexhill Drive Houston, Texas 77065
Country:United States of America
Geographical focus
  • General/no specific focus
  • International; Other
  • Western Balkans

Entry created by Terry Young on March 27, 2010
Modified on March 27, 2010