Department of Education and Science - Ireland


The principal functions of the Department are outlined in its Mission Statement: "The mission of the Department of Education and Science is to provide high-quality education, which will:

* Enable individuals to achieve their full potential and to participate fully as members of society, and
* Contribute to Ireland’s social, cultural and economic development.”

In pursuit of this mission, the Department has the following high-level goals:
* To promote equity and inclusion.
* To promote quality outcomes.
* To promote lifelong learning.
* To plan for education that is relevant to personal, social, cultural and economic needs.
* To enhance the capacity of the Department of Education and Science for service delivery, policy formulation, research and evaluation.

In support of these high-level goals, the Department is engaged in a wide range of activities covering the key elements of policy planning, quality assurance, resourcing, regulation and evaluation, as well as providing a broad range of support services for the education sector.


Source:, as accessed on February 12, 2009.

  • Government/Ministry
Contact details
Phone:+353-1- 8896400
Address:Marlborough Street Dublin
Geographical focus
  • International; Other
Scientifc field / Thematic focus
  • General

Entry created by Katarina Rohsmann on February 12, 2009
Modified on April 16, 2012