Ms Michelle Starr

Liaison Officer
Additional information
I am the Liaison Officer with The National Centre for Excellence in Mathematics and Science Teaching and Learning (NCE-MSTL) which is based in the University of Limerick, Ireland. The NCE-MSTL is a major National Initiative addressing the issues in the teaching and learning of mathmatics and the sciences at all levels from primary, through second level to third and fourth levels. We are addressing issues by conducting acitve research teaching and learning of science and mathematics, translating research into best practices for use in the classroom, disseminating these best practices through many channels including the development, design and delivery of CPD, Research abstracts sent to all schools, reports (the NCE-MSTL published a recent report on ''Out-of-field' maths teachers in the Irish Second Level schools'.), our website and the promotion of mathematics and science for courses and careers. I am interested in collaborations on projects in mathematics and science teaching and learning and in promotion of mathematics and science awareness
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