Ministry of Science and Technological Development, Office for Supporting FP7 Proposal Preparation - Serbia

The office will inform institutions of details of Calls and deadlines as they are announced by the Commission. The office will provide advice and guidance to individual Serbian scientists on opportunities within FP7 for funding project ideas and how to put together a successful consortium of partners. It will also provide occasional advice and guidance to scientists during proposal preparation to facilitate as many successful FP7 proposal submissions as possible. Regular training workshops on good proposal preparation will be organised, together with occasional courses on other relevant topics to meet the specific needs of scientists. FP7 proposals are expected to be written in English and scientists wanting to use the services provided by the office should be conversant in the English language. Outlines or first drafts of proposals will be reviewed by the Office Director on a first come-first served basis. The Director will also discuss with scientists how any proposal that failed to be funded could be improved for a resubmission.
Contact details
Address: Vlajkoviceva 3, 5th floor Belgrade Belgrade
Geographical focus
  • Serbia
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Entry created by Martina Lindorfer on March 4, 2008
Modified on March 4, 2008