Mr Steve Quarrie

Director Office to support FP7 applications (KOPS), Ministry of Science
Academic title
Additional information

"The office was formally opened on 4th March to provide information, support, guidance and practical help to Serbian scientists wishing to apply for FP7 projects. It comes under the Ministry of Science, and will provide an umbrella organisation for the existing NCPs.Mission statement: The Office exists to provide support and guidance to Serbian scientists wishing to apply for Framework Programme 7 (FP7) projects by identifying suitable funding/ programme opportunities, identifying and giving advice to individual scientists on potential project consortium partners, assessing scientists’ project ideas for their suitability and likelihood of success, providing guidance on improving project ideas and proposal drafts, and providing practical advice on completing proposal applications, as well as providing regular training courses to scientists on both technical and scientific aspects of proposal preparation.The office is currently establishing its modus operandi, and is therefore keen to make as many relevant links as quickly as possible."Source: Self-entry in March 2008.

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