News archive - Research Connection 2009 - inform us about your participation
WBC-INCO.NET will attend the conferene in Prague and would be delighted to meet you there! Inform us about your attendence at Our stand number is 8. We also invite you to send us your promotion material for dissemination at the event.
The European Union is providing a boost to the competitiveness of enterprises by facilitating the transfer of knowledge from academic research to businesses, thereby encouraging innovation. This is one of the aims of the conference "Research Connection 2009" in Prague on 7 and 8 May 2009 where entrepreneurs will meet with scientists from all over Europe. The conference is focusing on the theme "Networking our way to a research future". Experts of the European Commission will support the networking between business and academia and give advice how to make use of the various supporting schemes.
What will happen at the conference?
The potential partners will learn how to apply for support out of the Structural Funds. More than 86 billion euro (25% of the total in the period 2007-2013) are already earmarked for the broad innovation agenda. This covers research and innovation, information and communication technology, entrepreneurship and innovation.
Information sessions will be organized to provide the participants of the conference with concrete information on how to participate successfully in the 7th Framework Programme for Research (which will invest 54 billion ? between 2007 and 2013). Especially interesting for the participants of New Member States will be sessions moderated by experienced coordinators from New Member States. They will provide tips and hints on participation in and management of proposals, based on practical experience.
Owners of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises are especially welcome to the conference. The Competitiveness and Innovation Framework Program (CIP, financed with 3,6 billion euro from 2007 - 2013) encourages them to become globally competitive. Entrepreneurs will learn how to get support and find partners to develop the information society or increase the use of renewable energies and use it more efficiently.
Organized by the European Commission Directorate General for Research over 2000 EU science experts are expected to come to Prague. Scientists, policy makers and representatives of industry and research organisations are going to exchange their experiences, set up new collaborations, and create new and innovative partnerships. An exciting exhibition will showcase a selection of 40 EU-funded projects.
Online registration is open:
More information and contact:
European Commission Directorate-General for Research, Communication Unit
Tel +32.2.295 99 71
Fax +32.2.295 82 20
What WBC-INCO.NET will do?
WBC-INCO.NET (represented by ZSI and MSTD) will attend the "Research Connection 2009" event in Prague May 7-8, 2009 (see on our website, see official conference website at
It will be interesting also for us to use the opportunity to meet and/or present researchers at the conference, so if you attend the event, please visit us at our stand (number 8)!
We plan to provide material for display at our stand. Please send any brochures before April 27 to
Center for Social Innovation
WBC-INCO.NET / zH Elke Dall
Linke Wienzeile 246
A-1150 Wien
or directly to the Conferenceusing the following address, labelling each packet: Kongresové Centrum Praha Mr. Pavel Beck +420 602 311950 - Mr. Vladimir Nemec +420 602 233744 Stand number and name: Nr. 8, WBC-INCO.NET NAME OF THE EXHIBITOR (booth co-ordinator) and mobile phone number: Elke DALL, +43-699-10869251 or +43-650-3787016
5. Května 65
140 21 Praha 4
c/o Research Connection 2009/Exhibition
- Ms Elke Dall (Representing WBC-INCO.NET at )
Entry created by Elke Dall on April 15, 2009
Modified on April 3, 2009