News archive - [Event Announcement] WBC-INCO.NET to participate in "Research Connection 2009"

WBC-INCO.NET has successfully submitted a proposal to present the WBC research activities at the "Research Connection 2009" conference.

The event will present three major ongoing research initiatives:

  • The Seventh Framework Programme (FP7), 2007-2013
  • The Structural Funds, 2007-2013 and
  •  The Competitiveness and Innovation Programme (CIP), 2007-2013

Scientists, industrialists and researchers are invited to register for the conference. Participants will cover their own travel and accommodation costs. A list of hotels will be available on the conference web site. A specific programme will be designed for science journalists, the European press, audiovisual media and press agencies.

This is what will be on offer:

  • Plenary sessions with the main European political players
  • Parallel sessions on EU research initiatives
  • Hands-on sessions with FP7 participants, European organisations, etc.
  • Presentations of successful projects to you and to the press. Guidance on how to participate in EU research programmes (rules, tips, measures for small- and medium-sized enterprises, etc.)
  • Forum sessions on how to maximise your participation in EU research programmes organised on a 'bottom-up' basis by the participants themselves. A call for proposals targeting potential contributors will be published in 2008 on the conference website.(

The conference and exhibition will take place in Prague, Czech Republic from 7 to 8 May 2009. The participation fee will be € 50 for the two days. One-day passes will be available for € 30.

An exciting selection of EU-funded projects will be exhibited. This will promote the networking and integration of research activities in Europe. A call for proposals to find potential exhibitors will be published in 2008 on the conference website.
Full details on participation requirements will be available on:

Entry created by Elke Dall on March 10, 2009
Modified on March 11, 2009