News archive - "Serbian Innovation Organization Network" established

The Serbian Innovation Organization Network was recently established and has opened its central office in the "Business Technology Incubator of Technical Faculties Belgrade". The first network activities will be announced in the end of 2008.

The network's main aims are the following: 

  • to contribute to raising the level of innovative development in Serbia,
  • awareness-raising concerning the need for innovation support
  • to influence the creation and strengthening the core of the knowledge-based economy
  • to promote innovation as a key factor for the development of individuals and communities
  • to contribute to the transfer of knowledge and technology from research to the business sector through joint projects and
  • to contribute to education on the importance of innovation, esp. concerning young people

 Source: Newsletter of the Business and Technology Incubator of Technical Faculties Belgrade

Entry created by Katarina Rohsmann on November 11, 2008
Modified on November 11, 2008