News archive - "Kosovo Council of Research and Technology" constituted

The National Council of Research of Kosovo/UNMIK was constituted by the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology on October 20 and 22, 2008.

After the constituition of the Board, the Chair (Academician Rexhep Ismajli), the Secretary (Prof. Dr. Dukagjin Pupovci) and the Executive Commission were elected. Members of the Executive Commission are: Prof. Dr. Suzana Manxhuka–Kërliu, Prof. Dr. Nexhmi Rexha, Prof. Dr. Fetah Podvorica, Prof. Dr. Jahja Drancolli and Prof. Dr. Jusuf Krasniqi.

The Ministry of Education, Science and Technology of Kosovo/UNMIK has stated that the primary goal of the NRC will be to work for the improvement of the scientific and research work in Kosovo/UNMIK by drafting the National Research Program and by proposing measures for promotion of research and for improving conditions for scientific work in Kosovo. Minister Enver Hoxhaj has offered full support to the successful operation of this council.

It is the mission of the NRC to encourage and stimulate scientific, research and innovation at home and to initiate integration processes that would ensure presence and active participation of Kosovo/UNMIK in the European Research Area (ERA). The NRC will thus work to build capacities for development of scientific, research and innovative work in Kosovo/UNMIK, contributing thus to creating conditions for sustainable development of the country.

The NRC's work plan for the period November 2008 – December 2009 focusses in the following fields:

  • Setting up conditions for functioning of the NRC
  • Building of capacities for administration of scientific and research work
  • Drafting of the National Program of Research for period 2010-2015
  • Participation in policy making and exercise of other functions of the NRC

Source and further information:, as accessed on December 5, 2008.

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Entry created by Katarina Rohsmann on December 5, 2008
Modified on December 9, 2008