News archive - Researcher's Night 2010 - Apply for Funding Now

The 'European Researchers' Night' is a pan-European event involving a wide range of scientific and research organisations, including museums, laboratories and academic institutions, which host a variety of entertaining and fun events planned to run late into the night. The aim is to give the public, and in particular young people, the opportunity to meet researchers within the context of festive and 'fun' activities and to highlight the appeal of pursuing a research career.

The Researchers' Night traditionally takes place on the forth Friday in September every year. However, institutions in some countries also organise their own acticities, often entitled Science Festivals but following similar aims as the Researchers' Nights, on a different date. E.g., the 2009 Science Festival in Belgrade is coming up and will take place from December 4 to 6, 2009.

The European Commission recently published a call for proposals for the 'Researchers' Night 2010' event, which may be of interest to universities and research institutes in particular (see related news below). Projects may receive funding for up to seven months of preparatory work. Further information is also available on the CORDIS website (Deadline: 13 January 2010).

The links below lead to some of the already existing activities in the Western Balkan countries. If you know about other initiatives that should be added to the link directory, please contact us at


Geographical focus
  • Bosnia and Herzegovina
  • Croatia
  • Europe
  • Montenegro
  • Republic of North Macedonia
  • Serbia
  • Western Balkans

Entry created by Katarina Rohsmann on November 17, 2009
Modified on November 17, 2009