News archive - News from Montenegro

Please find below the news from Montenegro as presented in the last WBC-INCO.NET Journal.

Development of the Lifelong Learning Concept in Montenegro

The University of Montenegro (UoM) is naturally looked upon as the institution which should act as the promoter and bearer of changes necessary to fulfill the requirements of the changing labour market. One of the challenges the  University as well as the whole nation face is the creation of a favourable environment for enabling flexible and adaptable programmes and courses, so as to keep pace with the fast changing labour market needs. The orientation of Montenegro towards a knowledge-based society is one of the proclaimed national objectives and UoM is the main party responsible for its achievement. Now, UoM addresses the concept of life-long learning (LLL) and thus, puts the national focus on this extremely important issue.

A national TEMPUS project with a focus on LLL was started with UoM as the grant holder. The project’s broad aim is to improve learning opportunities for Montenegrin society at large and to achieve higher employability. This will be achieved through the development of a LLL strategy with the aims to enable a wider access to higher education, to incorporate non-formal and informal education into the overarching national qualification framework and to enhance partnerships with relevant social partners.

The project will mainly focus on the legislative framework for the introduction of a LLL concept, the cooperation with enterprises in this field, the improvement of flexible learning paths for adults, the improvement of connections between stakeholders to foster vertical and horizontal access, the implementation of a comprehensive dissemination campaign on LLL, the creation of a day-to-day and overall management process and the development and implementation of a quality plan.

The major objective of the LLL strategy is to redefine the position and the role of universities in society, so that UoM can serve the entire society to a greater extent than it did before.

COST Promotion Activities in Montenegro

In its full commitment to join the European Research Area, the Ministry of Education and Science has taken actions to stimulate the cooperation of researchers with their international peers within COST. Providing support in international cooperation, COST is a great opportunity to exchange experience with global participants and an ideal entry point for Montenegrin young researchers. The Ministry of Education and Science adopted the action plan for joining COST and started with its implementation in June 2010. On June 18, 2010 in Podgorica, the Ministry organised an Info Day, where promotional material about COST was disseminated. Furthermore, individual meetings with researchers and coordinators of running national projects were held. In a second stage, a COST Info Day was held at the end of October in Podgorica including a meeting of interested research teams from universities and research institutions, which want to participate in running COST activities, with representatives of the COST Committee of Senior Officials and the COST Office. Several teams have been created and will join COST activities during the next six months. This will form the basis for a formal application of Montenegro for COST membership.

Opening of the R&D Service Centre (R&D SC) at the University of Montenegro

The recently opened R&D SC at UoM is the first attempt to foster the income of external project funding at the university with the clear idea to transform it into the first nucleus of technology transfer.

The list of services that R&D SC is already offering includes the management of existing projects, support in the development and contracting of new projects, consultancy and support in writing new project proposals and fundraising, the coordination of bigger multidisciplinary groups inside UoM for new project ideas, the dissemination of information about available funds and open calls, the organisation of various lessons, trainings, events and workshops and assistance in the partner search for new projects.

Its future profile is going to be redefined with a broader set of activities including the matter of legal ownership of start-ups, project results and issues concerning intellectual property rights.

The list of services offered by R&D SC is going to gradually increase and to include the establishment and running of new research centers inside UoM, new contracts and research projects with industry partners, the participation in the establishment and running of spin-off companies and the formation of a small incubator for start-up companies with innovative ideas.

Flash News from Montenegro

On October 22, Montenegro and the FYR of Macedonia signed a bilateral agreement on scientific and technological cooperation.

A round table on inter-university cooperation through established networks was held on October 1, 2010 in Bar, Montenegro. The following programmes were presented at the round table: MEDADRION, UNIMED, EMUNI, CEI, UNIADRION, MEDITERRANEAN OFFICE FOR YOUTH and CEEPUS III. Moreover, the crucial elements of future cooperation as well as expected results and benefits of an inter-university network cooperation were identified.

The new Law on Scientific Research Activity, which is expected to be adopted by the end of this year, legally regulates the possibility of establishing Centres of Excellence. The Ministry introduced a few new instruments in the Law, the most important of which is the instrument for employment of the doctors of sciences, who have not been elected in academic or scientific titles and can now be engaged exclusively in scientific projects.

Geographical focus
  • Montenegro

Entry created by Katarina Rohsmann on November 11, 2010
Modified on November 11, 2010