News archive - Call for Proposals for ESF Research Conferences to be held in 2011 - Croatia Eligible

The European Science Foundation (ESF) invites scientists to submit proposals for high-level research conferences to take place in 2011 within the framework of its Research Conferences Scheme in the following scientific domains:

* Molecular Biology
* Brain, Technology and Cognition
* Mathematics
* Physics/Biophysics and Environmental Sciences
* Social Sciences and Humanities
Framework and Submission

Submission deadline: September 15, 2009, midnight CET.

The ESF Research Conferences Scheme provides the opportunity for leading scientists and younger researchers to meet for discussions on the most recent developments in their fields of research. It acts as a catalyst for creating new synergistic contacts throughout Europe and the rest of the world. ESF Research Conferences are open to scientists world-wide, whether from academia or industry.

Further information: and

Croatia is the only WBC eligible for this call.

For more information, please contact the ESF Conferences Unit at:

Source:, as accessed on May 28, 2009.

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Entry created by Katarina Rohsmann on May 28, 2009
Modified on May 29, 2009