News archive - Call for proposals for ESF Research Networking Programme

An ESF Research Networking Programme is a networking activity bringing together nationally funded research activities for four to five years, to address a major scientific issue or a science-driven topic of research infrastructure, at the European level with the aim of advancing the frontiers of science.

Croatia is the only country from the Western Balkans currently eligible for ESF calls. Deadline for the current call is October 22, 2009.

Key objectives include:

  •  creating interdisciplinary fora;
  •  sharing knowledge and expertise;
  •  developing new techniques;
  •   training young scientists.

Research Networking Programmes (RNPs) lay the foundation for nationally funded research groups to address major scientific and research infrastructure issues, in order to advance the frontiers of existing science. These long-term programmes, subject to selection through an open call and an international peer review process, must deal with high-quality science and demonstrate the added value of being carried out at the European level.

A successful Programme proposal must show high scientific quality and also demonstrate added value by being carried out at a European level rather than by individual research groups at the national level.

Proposals may be submitted in any or across several of the following broad scientific fields:

  • Biomedical Sciences
  • Life, Earth and Environmental
  • Physical and Engineering Sciences
  • Humanities
  • Social Sciences
  • Science driven issues of Research Infrastructures in any of the above fields

Multi-, inter- or trans- disciplinary proposals are encouraged.

Proposals with a global dimension which intend to create links to networks of scientists in non-ESF Member Organisation countries, (e.g. Australia, Canada, China, Israel, Japan, Korea, Russia, USA and others) with funding through agencies in those countries, are also encouraged.

A Programme can include the following activities:

  • Science meetings (workshops, conferences or schools) organised either by the Programme Steering Committee or following an open call for proposals;
  • Grants for short and exchange visits awarded following an open call for applications;
  • Publication of information brochures and leaflets, DVDs and CD Roms, scientific books and meeting proceedings etc; creation and management of dedicated websites;
  • Creation and maintenance of scientific databases at the European level.

Deadline for submitting proposals 22 October 2009, 16:00 CET
Recommended and funded programmes will be launched in January 2011.

Proposals may be submitted by researchers from European universities or research institutes in countries having agencies that are ESF Member Organisations (MOs). Proposals may have co-proposers from non-ESF member countries. In this case, the co-proposers should assure their share of funding through their own sources (see Proposals with a "global" dimension).

The typical annual budget of an ESF Programme usually averages € 105 - 130 000 per year of its duration (excluding ESF administration fee*). Smaller or larger programmes can be accepted when justified. For example if a publication of a book series is foreseen the annual budget may be substantially higher.

An ESF Programme provides financial support for the networking activities that arise from carrying out the collaborative actions under the Programme and that aim to achieve the Programme’s objectives.

The Programme budget may be used for the following types of activities:

  • Steering Committee Meetings;
  • Science Meetings (Workshops, Conferences, Schools);
  • Grants for Short and Exchange Visits;
  • Publicity, Websites and Publications (paper and digital);
  • Database Costs (preparation and computing);
  • External Administrative Costs (up to max. 10% of the annual budget);
  • External Programme Coordinator.

Direct research costs linked to specific research activities, e.g. salaries, equipment and consumables, are not eligible, as such costs should be supported directly at the national or international (e.g. EU) level.

Proposals are assessed and selected on the following criteria:

  • scientific quality of the content of the proposed Programme;
  • scientific qualifications of the principal applicant(s) to coordinate the Programme;
  • level of impact on world science; multidisciplinarity (if applicable); timeliness;
  • value to European science including European and global dimension (if applicable) of the participation, and participation of key researchers in the field;
  • Programme structure and activities.

Further information / Source:

Information on current Research Networking Programmes
Guidelines for Management of ESF Research Networking Programmes
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Proposal contents and submission procedure

Geographical focus
  • International; Other
Related organisations

Entry created by Elke Dall on July 10, 2009
Modified on July 10, 2009