News archive - 'The European Research Area: New Perspectives' - Your input to the Green Paper!
The debate is open to everyone with an interest in the realisation of a European knowledge society. In particular, the Commission expects to receive responses from research institutions (including universities), researchers, industry, civil society organisations, national and regional public authorities as well as the general public. The Commission will use the results of the debate to prepare initiatives that will be proposed in 2008.
How to participate in the debate?
The best way to engage in the debate is to express your views in the on-line consultation linked to the Green Paper, which will remain open for 4 months, from May 1, 2007 to August 31, 2007.
You are invited to express your views on the overall priorities for ERA, as well as on six main dimensions on which the consultation is focused, namely:
- Realising a single labour market for researchers;
- Developing world-class research infrastructures;
- Strengthening research institutions;
- Sharing knowledge;
- Optimising research programmes and priorities; and
- Opening ERA to the world.
You are invited to comment on as many or as few of these dimensions as you wish depending on your areas of expertise and interest.
The Commission encourages the use of the an online questionnaire which will be accessible from that date - further information on the consultation process is available via /link/1266.html.
The Green Paper and the additional background document are also available from the Document Service:
- Green Paper: /doc/1260.html
- Background Document: /doc/1262.html
Entry created by Elke Dall on April 4, 2007
Modified on April 5, 2007