News archive - EC-Consultation: Green Paper on the European Research Area

The consultation process to the Green Paper "The European Research Area: New Perspectives" has been closed on August 31, 2007. We summarise a few of the contributions to this important process for the ERA and present also the response of the Information Office of the Steering Platform on Research for Western Balkan countries.

The Information Office has encouraged all its readers to actively respond to the online consultation on the Green Paper "The European Research Area: New Perspectives". It is a unique opportunity to help further shaping of the European Research Area, of which all Western Balkan countries are geographically speaking already part but where much remains to be done on substance. Research plays a special role as a tool to facilitate both integration in the European Union. Feedback as to whether the specific position of the candidate and potential candidate countries has been sufficiently addressed in the paper or not is of high importance. Is the position of the WBCs in the ERA adequate? Are specific needs covered? Comments/questions can also be shared with the Platform so that we can collectively take up concerns raised or issues to be addressed.

The purpose of a Green Paper in general is to stimulate debate and launch a process of consultation, and the purpose of this Green Paper in particular is to assess the progress made in establishing the ERA and to discuss the future direction of the project. In line with these objectives, the European Commission has published a complementary online public consultation, addressing the questions raised in the Green Paper. This link to the consultation can be found via the website:

The structure of the consultation questionnaire mirrors the texture of the Green Paper (see also attachment on /doc/1260.html). The consultation poses questions for each of the six characteristics identified as main requirements to achieve an effective ERA:

  • Realising a single labour market for researchers
  • Developing world-class research infrastructures
  • Strengthening research institutions
  • Sharing knowledge
  • Optimising research programmes and priorities
  • Opening to the world: international cooperation in S&T

Mary Minch, the Director for International Cooperation, has addressed a letter specifically to draw your attention to the final section “A wide opening of the European Research Area to the world”, which deals with international cooperation, upon which our community should definitively comment.

In the further articles you find more information about the results of this process.
If you or your organisation has submitted an official answer, please let us know.

Entry created by Elke Dall on September 8, 2007
Modified on May 31, 2007