News archive - [Event Announcement] PCST 2012: QUALITY, HONESTY AND BEAUTY in science and technology communication

After PCST 2010 in New Delhi, the 12th international public communication of science and technology conference will be held in Florence, Italy April 18-20, 2012. PCST 2012 is organised by the PCST International Network and hosted by Observa Science in Society, Fondazione Giannino Bassetti, Galileo Museum Florence and INAF National Institute for Astrophysics.

Currently, a call for proposals is open: Deadline is September 30, 2011.

The programme will include themes such as:

  • What does quality mean in science communication?
  • Evaluating public communication of science
  • Art and/in science communication
  • Two decades of academic publishing in PCST
  • Ethics and aesthetics of science communication
  • Communicating the social sciences
  • Reflexive challenges: communicating PCST?
  • Emerging trends and issues in science communication
  • Changing media, changing formats, changing science communication models?
  • Public communication of technology: the ‘Cinderella’ of PCST?

Proposal submission

The PCST International Network and the Italian conference hosts have pleasure in inviting you to submit proposals for presentations at this major event.

Proposals are welcome for presentations on science communication and science in society research, science journalism, science museums, public engagement with science and technology and communication activities by research institutions.

The deadline for proposals is 30 September, 2011. Submitted proposals will be reviewed by members of PCST Scientific Committee, and the final programme will be announced in January 2012.

Submissions should include:

  • a description of your proposed paper or session in no more than 2500 characters including spacing;
  • the proposed format: a paper, discussion, poster etc. A list of possible formats is below;
  • your contact details;
  • author's data including affiliations;
  • type of presentation: audio-video-power point;

To submit a proposal, please go to "Abstract Submission"

General information
All successful proposals will be notified by December 31, 2011. Papers will only be added to the program when the speakers have registered for the conference.

Reduced fees will be available for early registrants and students.

Plenary speeches will be delivered by leading international experts in science communication research and practice.

The official language of the conference is English. For further details and practical information please go to "Registration" and "Accommodation"

Proposers are asked to nominate a presentation format from the following list:

  • Panel sessions/roundtable discussions (3-4 papers/contributions that tackle a key theme from different angles, with an international perspective).
  • Individual papers (these will be arranged in thematically linked sessions)
  • Posters (these will be presented orally as well as being displayed)
  • Speakers' Corner (5-minute presentations + 5-minute discussions of an experience, activity or argument relevant to science communication)*
  • Performances (dramatisations of issues, debates or controversies relevant to science communication)*
  • Show, Tell and Talk (demonstrations of science communication practices with commentary on their application and effectiveness; these will be arranged in thematically linked sessions and feedback will be provided by experienced and qualified mentors. Some will be selected for recognition as 'Best Practice')

*= power point free session formats

Important dates and deadlines

1 May 2011 Opening of registration and proposal submissions

30 Sept 2011 Deadline for proposal submissions

December 2011 Confirmation of proposal acceptance and draft conference programme

Travel Grants for Junior Participants
Foundation Giannino Bassetti is offering two travel grants for junior participants presenting papers on the theme of "Responsibility in Science Communication". The grants are available for participants under 30 years of age and include the covering of conference fees plus 600 euros to be used for travel and accommodation. To apply, go to the Foundation website

UNESCO will support 8 young science journalists and science communicators (PhDs, post-docs) below the age of 35, with citizenship and residence corresponding to one of the eligible countries (including all WBC). UNESCO travel grants will cover conference registration fees and some funds to be used for travel and accommodation. See:

Social and Cultural Programme
Please go to "Social Programme"

Satellite Events
Please go to "Satellite Events"



Registration Fees
(inc. 20% VAT, welcome reception, lunches and coffee breaks, Florentine dinner - for Accompanying person lunches and coffee breaks are excluded)
Within 20 December 2011

Full Registration euro 300
Student euro 150
Accompanying person euro 100

After 20 December 2011

Full Registration euro 400
Student euro 200
Accompanying person euro 100



From: 18 April 2012
To: 20 April 2012

Geographical focus
  • International; Other
Scientifc field / Thematic focus
  • Natural Sciences
Related users

Entry created by Elke Dall on September 5, 2011
Modified on April 12, 2012