News archive - News from FYR of Macedonia
5th RENAISSANCE Civitas+ Conference
The 5th RENAISSANCE Civitas+ conference and annual meeting was held in Skopje on September 7, 2011. The conference was entitled “Clean urban transport solutions for accession, pre-accession countries and the Western
Balkans”. Funding options for clean urban transport and examples of measures implemented by Civitas+ cities in Romania, Croatia and Bulgaria were presented. The conference was well-attended by both municipal officers as
well as international and local politicians.
Two Info Days on Promotion of FP7 Open Calls
The Ministry of Education and Science organised two Info events in September 2011, dedicated to the promotion of the 2012/13 Open Calls in FP7. The first Info Day took place on September 12 at the Faculty of Technology and Metallurgy in Skopje. It was devoted to the research community and academia and was attended by more than 70 participants. National Contact Points presented information related to almost all important themes under the Cooperation, Ideas, People and Capacity programmes. The second Info Day took place on September 26 and was organised in cooperation with the Chamber of Commerce, targeting at the business community, SMEs and industry.
Researcher’s Night 2011 in Bitola
The University St. Kliment Ohridski in Bitola hosted the “Researcher’s Night” for the third time. The main event was held on the evening of September 23 on Magnolia Square in Bitola as an open science fare, parallel with events in 320 cities in 32 European countries. Research organisations, SMEs and NGOs presented their research activities. The manifestation started earlier the same day with the lecture “Marie Sklodowska Curie – The first steps into the deep snow”, held at the Institute of Physics at the Faculty of Natural Science and Mathematics, University Ss. Cyril and Methodius, and the Forum “Women in Science”, held at the EU Info Center in Skopje. The events were highly appreciated, particularly by young people. The estimated number of visitors at the evening events in Bitola and in Skopje is about 5,000.
The Faculty of Technology and Metallurgy at the University Ss Cyril and Methodius in Skopje
The Faculty of Technology and Metallurgy at the University Ss Cyril and Methodius in Skopje (FTM-UKIM; founded in 1959) covers the educational process and scientific research work in the field of technology and metallurgy,
as well as all types of materials, food production and textile confection. FTM consists of six departments with over
100 employees and about 40 post-graduate students. The laboratories of FTM are equipped, amongst others, with an X-ray diffraction unit (wide angle), differential scanning calorimetry – PE DSC-7, a thermogravimetric analyser – PE Dyamond TGA/DTA, a dynamo-mechanical and thermal analyser – PE Dyamond DMTA, a Fourie trasform infra-red spectrofotometer − PE FTIR and a scanning electron microscope. The FTM-UKIM has established wide cooperation in the frame of national, bilateral and international projects.
1. Food and feed safety and quality
“Reference” project activities at FTM include:
- 1. Improving Academia – Industry Links in Food Safety and Quality (TEMPUS; 2010–2013)
- 2. Evaluation of the research capacity and development of a strategy for further growth in chemistry in general and in food science particular (FP7-REGPOT; 2009–2010)
- 3. Bioencapsulation multiscale interaction analysis (COST; 2008–2010)
2. Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology
“Reference” project activities at FTM include:
- 1. NMP TeAM II- Improving the services of the NMP NCP Network through Trans-national Activities II (FP7; 2011–2013)
- 2. Nanocomposites based on biodegradable polymers and ceramic fillers (bilateral project with Slovenia; 2010–2012)
- 3. NATO-Advanced Study Institute Summer School on Nanotechnologies basis for advanced sensors (2010)
3. Environment
“Reference” project activities at FTM include:
- 1. Creation of university-enterprise cooperation networks for education on sustainable technologies (TEMPUS; 2010–2013)
- 2. Reducing Fuel Consumption and Air Pollution of Industrial Furnaces by High Efficiency Pebble Heaters and Fluid-Dynamical Valve (Inco Kopernicus programme; 2002–2009)
- 3. Integrated treatment of industrial wastes towards prevention of regional water resources contamination (FP6; 2004–2007)
- Republic of North Macedonia
- Ms Anita Grozdanov
- Mr Bozin Donevski
- Ms Marina Nikolovska
- Ms Violeta Atanasovska
Entry created by Ines Marinkovic on December 2, 2011
Modified on December 6, 2011