News archive - Outlook on the Future of SEE-ERA.NET PLUS

SEE-ERA.NET PLUS (FP7) involves 17 R&D program owners as ministries or agencies from 14 countries, including EU Member States, Associated Countries and all WBCs. It is implemented as a pillar of the Regional Programme for Cooperation with South-East Europe (ReP-SEE), developed by the forerunner project SEE-ERA.NET. Coordination of bilateral R&D cooperation with the WBCs and the EU by means of the ERA-NET PLUS funding scheme in FP7 receives additional funding by the European Commission as a “top-up” to national funding. Details for the selection and funding process were provided in the last issue.

Strengthening research communities in new Member States and WBCs and preparing them for successful participation in FP7 is of growing importance. Given the recent financial difficulties in several EU countries, the future of significant regional S&T cooperation has to be developed very carefully. The continuation of the respectful way of joint work in the last years is of high relevance for all partners involved. External influence to trigger joint undertakings is of importance, e.g. whether the INCO Program committee includes regionally relevant calls and instruments similar to ERA-NET Plus in the upcoming working programmes for 2012 and 2013. Aiming at sustainable development and a continuation of the cooperation established, a dedicated working group of SEE-ERA.NET PLUS looks to identify the strands of future cooperation. This raises questions going far beyond technical details and budget availability.

Key questions for fruitful approaches towards deepening the successful cooperation are:
  • Assessing the functionality of the ongoing – funding - activities and identification of limiting factors for future
  • Possible inclusion of countries beyond the established consortium of 14 countries
  • Synergies with regional initiatives like the Danube Strategy
  • Thematic fields of joint R&D funding and possible topics for basic and applied research
  • Assessment of partner positions for the coverage of innovation related topics
  • Continuation of cooperation in sub-regional initiatives of core interest for part of the involved countries under the umbrella of SEE-ERA.NET PLUS
  • Finding means for joint financing of technical coordination facilities
In addition to the dedicated Working Group Meeting in the first half of 2011, the Steering Board of SEE-ERA.NET PLUS will meet to identify further steps towards sustainability of the project, as the project will formally end in January 2013.
During the upcoming Innovation Dialogue Forum of WBC-INCO.NET, a session will be dedicated to the above presented questions. In essence, continuation and deepening of the cooperation process will lead to new and innovative approaches for future joint activities.
Geographical focus
  • European Union (EU 27)
  • SEE
  • Western Balkans

Entry created by Ines Marinkovic on May 30, 2011
Modified on June 3, 2011