News archive - [Event Announcement] WBC-INCO.NET Project Workshop in the Frame of COBISS 2009

A WBC-INCO.NET project workshop, lead by WBC-INCO.NET team member Boris Cizelj, will take place in Maribor, Slovenia on November 12, 2009 in the frame of the COBISS 2009 conference (upon invitation only).

The aim of the workshop is to review the experiences in the RTD domain in the countries of Western Balkans, look at good practice, and propose how these systems could better contribute to closer integration of their research communities into the process of building the European Research Area and to more effective participation in EU RTD projects.


The main goal of the Conference is to strengthen the awareness about the multifaceted significance of the availability of information on creative potentials in science, education and culture in the country as the basis for setting the direction of social development and for the exchange of experience in setting up library information systems and research information systems and in the operation thereof. The COBISS.Net Project is a project that is under way and the Conference offers the possibility of its assessment. An additional impetus for the development of national information systems for continuous monitoring of research results would be most welcome as, in many countries, the level of development of these systems is in the initial stage and an accelerated pace of their development is a prerequisite for the implementation of objective evaluations in the research and higher education sectors.

Further information is available in the attached agenda.

Source: SBRA/Boris Cizelj.

Event date: 12 November 2009

Geographical focus
  • International; Other
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Entry created by Katarina Rohsmann on October 29, 2009
Modified on October 29, 2009