News archive - [Call Announcement] CfP: Edited Volume 'Parks in the Balkan Capitals: Leisure, Urban Impact, Monuments, Stories, and Significance

The Balkan History Association and the Institute of Balkan Studies and Centre of Tracology at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences are preparing a volume dedicated to parks in Balkan capitals – their stories, architecture, or significance for the community. Authors are invited to submit their paper proposals with special emphasis on parks with special significance for Balkan capitals; stories related to parks in Balkan capitals (literature, folklore, etc.); representation of parks in Balkan capitals in comics, cartoons, movies, or paintings; impact of parks on the urban aspect of Balkan capitals; impact of parks on the social life of Balkan capitals; historical monuments placed inside the parks in Balkan capitals; historical events and their impact on the evolution of parks in Balkan capitals; modernization of the Balkan capitals and how this changed the look of parks; and parks in Balkan capitals, in the collective memory of the community.

February 1, 2022: Submission of the proposals to editors
March 1, 2022: Notification of accepted proposals
June 1, 2022: Receipt of final chapters for peer-review
July 1, 2022: Revised chapters re-submitted to editors
September 1, 2022: Approved chapters submitted for publishing

More details at:

Geographical focus
  • General/no specific focus
Scientifc field / Thematic focus
  • Cross-thematic/Interdisciplinary

Entry created by Admin on October 22, 2021
Modified on October 22, 2021