CfP: Edited Volume 'Parks in the Balkan Capitals: Leisure, Urban Impact, Monuments, Stories, and Significance

Publication date
October 21, 2021
February 1, 2022
Short description

The Balkan History Association and the Institute of Balkan Studies and Centre of Tracology at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences are preparing a volume dedicated to parks in Balkan capitals – their stories, architecture, or significance for the community. Authors are invited to submit their paper proposals with special emphasis on parks with special significance for Balkan capitals; stories related to parks in Balkan capitals (literature, folklore, etc.); representation of parks in Balkan capitals in comics, cartoons, movies, or paintings; impact of parks on the urban aspect of Balkan capitals; impact of parks on the social life of Balkan capitals; historical monuments placed inside the parks in Balkan capitals; historical events and their impact on the evolution of parks in Balkan capitals; modernization of the Balkan capitals and how this changed the look of parks; and parks in Balkan capitals, in the collective memory of the community.

February 1, 2022: Submission of the proposals to editors
March 1, 2022: Notification of accepted proposals
June 1, 2022: Receipt of final chapters for peer-review
July 1, 2022: Revised chapters re-submitted to editors
September 1, 2022: Approved chapters submitted for publishing

More details at:

  • Other
Geographical focus
  • General/no specific focus
Scientifc field / Thematic focus
  • Cross-thematic/Interdisciplinary

Entry created by Admin on October 22, 2021
Modified on October 22, 2021