News archive - Serbia, Montenegro and North Macedonia participate in the ESS Round 10

Three Western Balkan economies (Serbia, Montenegro and North Macedonia) have ensured participation in the ERIC ESS (including membership fee and fieldwork costs) for the 2021 and Round 10 of the fieldwork.

All three Western Balkan economies are participating as Guest countries and the next step is to secure full membership from June this year.

As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, the majority of Round 10 fieldwork - originally due to be collected in face-to-face interviews from late 2020 - was not possible last year. To maintain the comparability of data as much as possible in these circumstances, all Round 10 fieldwork will be finished by 31 December 2021.

Albania, Kosovo*, and Bosnia and Herzegovina have not managed to take part in the Round 10, but opportunities for their participation in the next round are currently explored.

Geographical focus
  • Western Balkans
Scientifc field / Thematic focus
  • General

Entry created by Admin on May 16, 2021
Modified on June 16, 2021