Call for Papers: Western Balkans in comparative perspectives – European Social Survey

Publication date
October 1, 2020
October 30, 2020
Short description
International conference in Tivat, Montenegro from 4/5 December 2020
Western Balkans in comparative perspectives – European Social Survey

Faculty of Political Science, University of Montenegro
Institute for sociological research, University of Belgrade
Institute of Social Sciences, Belgrade

Research about Western Balkans very often misses adequate comparative and longitudinal perspective. One of the main reasons for that is the lack of data that can be used in designing such studies. This conference aims to promote the opportunity for both academic researchers and policy makers to use European Social Survey data and other longitudinal comparative data collection studies. Namely, in the recent years the researchers have put in significant efforts in including the region on the European research map by joining in prominent social data collections studies such are European Social Survey ESS, Comparative Study of Electoral Systems CSES, European Value Study and similar. This conference aims to take another step and bring together researchers and policy makers in the region to present and discuss research findings based on data of the European Social Survey and other comparative data collections. This forum will provide a framework for discussing possible collaborations and joint efforts in advancing scientific research in the region, including practical issues such as funding, collaborative research grant applications, methodological and data archiving problems, and so on. It will also put significant focus on connecting researchers and policy makers in order to promote usage of the scientific data for evidence-based policy making.

The conference will be a two-day event. One day will be focused on solely academic content, including paper presentations and discussion about data collections and prospects of joint cooperation and publications. The second day will be dedicated to connecting with the policy-makers in the region and discussing how the academic work can become more used in evidence-based policy making.

We invite social scientists, especially PhD candidates, to contribute to the conference with paper presentations of their comparative work regarding the region which is based on any comparative data collection study (approx. 15 minutes presentation plus 15 minutes of discussion).

The conference language is English.

Please submit an extended abstract (400-500 words) as well as 3 to 5 keywords. The extended abstract should cover Aim(s) of the research, Theoretical background (research questions, theoretical framework), Methods used (methods of analysis), Results (main findings).

Deadline for abstract submission: 30th October 2020. Please send your abstract to the following address:

Notifications of acceptance will be sent by the November 10th.


  • Other
Geographical focus
  • Western Balkans
Scientifc field / Thematic focus
  • Social Sciences

Entry created by Admin on October 3, 2020
Modified on October 3, 2020