News archive - [Event Review] KEN-2012 Workshop - Business-Academia Partnership
SBRA organised through KEN network that KEN is chairing the workshop on the topic of Business-academia partnership. Based on the discussion of many high level participants from universities, businesses and governments KEN produced 19 recommendations on how to improve cooperation between business and academia.
On 11 April the first in the series of 2012 KEN Workshops has been organized in Ljubljana, Slovenia. The topic was Business-Academia Partnership for reviving European Growth. The event was co-organised by the largest Slovenian research establishment, Jozef Stefan Institute, the Secretariat of Central European Initiative from Trieste, Italy; and of course the KEN Network.
The Workshop brought together some 40 representatives from academia, business, government, and international organizations. The half-day event was opened by Prof.dr.Jadran Lenarčič, director of the host institute, and the keynote address was delivered by the new Slovenian minister for education, science, culture and sport prof.dr.Ziga Turk. He presented an interesting perspective on innovation policy in times of austerity, but with a modern, comprehensive approach, offering support and encouragement to innovation and research – being crucial for providing higher knowledge-based competitiveness in the increasingly open European and international arena.
- European Union (EU 27)
- Social Sciences
Entry created by Danaja Lorencic on September 14, 2012
Modified on October 5, 2012