News archive - [Event Announcement] Seminar-Exhibition in Croatia on Russian Innovation
On September 5-7 the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia will hold the exhibition-seminar «Russian innovations» in Zagreb, Croatia. Mandated lead arrangers are National university of science and technology MISIS and JSC “SHS- Thermosynthesis”. Co-organizers are: from Croatia Business Innovation Center of Croatia BICRO and Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing, University of Zagreb, Croatia; from Russia – the Russian business and innovative Gatete2RuBIN network.
New projects of Russian universities and institutes will be presented, discussions of programs of bilateral Russian-Croatian cooperation in the field of scientific development in various branches and questions of the organization of cooperation of joint projects will be carried out. Main themes: nanotechnologies and ecology.
The program provides carrying out seminars, round tables, specialized sections, the exposition organization (The exposition will demonstrate natural samples, multimedia presentations, the information literature and prospectuses), visit of the Croatian research organizations, enterprises and firms for making acquaintance with research works of Croatian colleagues and contracts of cooperation.
Among participants of the seminar - representatives of leading Russian universities, enterprises and firms working in the field of development and introduction of new materials such as: Ural state university, Institute of Petrochemical Synthesis, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow State Aviation Technological University, Institute for Physics and Power Engineering named after A.I. Leypunsky, Science and production association «EkRusHim»
Source: Enterprise Europe Network
- Croatia
- International; Other
- Engineering and Technology
Entry created by Ines Marinkovic on August 23, 2012
Modified on August 27, 2012