University of Zagreb - Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing - Department of Power Systems


The year 2010 is the 341st year since establishment of the University of Zagreb, 91st year of study of electrical engineering and the 54th year of autonomous Faculty of Electrical Engineering. In 1994, the Faculty changed its name becoming the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing (FER) reflecting the fact that eminent professionals in electrical engineering but also in computing have been coming from this institution. The primary mission of the Faculty is to prepare students to perform direct tasks on their workplaces. However, what might be even more important is to accept permanent education as a necessity in a profession that is undergoing dramatic changes. The present research and educational staff comprises more than 140 professors and 230 teaching and research assistants. The Faculty has developed respectable international cooperation with many institutions around the world. About undergraduate (BSc) study programmes at FER FER offers two undergraduate study programmes: Electrical Engineering and Information Technology Computing FER offers three second cycle study programs: Electrical Engineering and Information Technology Profiles: Control Engineering and Automatization Electrical Engineering Systems and Technology Electrical Power Engineering Electronic and Computer Engineering Electronics Information and Communication Technology Profiles: Information Processing Telecommunication and Informatics Wireless Techologies Computing Profiles: Software Engineering and Information Systems Computer Engineering Computer Science The Postgraduate study at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing of the University of Zagreb is organised as a doctoral study. Postgraduate doctoral study programme leads to the Ph.D. academic degree in the scientific field of Electrical Engineering or the scientific field of Computing. By the academic year 2007/2008, 602 candidates were awarded with the Ph.D. degree in Electrical Engineering or Computing. The duration of study is three years for full time students, and it is completed by defending the submitted thesis. The student must collect altogether at least 480 ECTS credits (including credits from the previous high education) by enrolling courses and passing examinations, doing research, and publishing research results.

Department / Unit
Department of Power Systems
Contact details
Phone:+385 1 6129999
Fax:+385 1 6170007
Address: Unska 3 10000 Zagreb CROATIA
Geographical focus
  • Croatia
  • General/no specific focus
  • International; Other
  • SEE
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Entry created by Zeljko Tomsic on February 2, 2010
Modified on April 6, 2013