Innovation Cloud Blog | Maximize employees engagement on ideas contribution

As  Dr. Linus Pauling explained "The best way to have a good idea is to have a lot of ideas" because sometimes the silliest employee’s idea can make a significant difference to your business and even bad ideas can be a trigger for the perfect one. To have a lot of ideas, your employees need the opportunity to provide input and receive meaningful feedback from leadership. They need acknowledgment, but first of all they need to be motivated to submit ideas.


Whether you’re watching from the perspective of large companies or small enterprises, employees’ ideas can be very powerful driver of improvements and innovation within any company.  Most great ideas for enhancing and achieving business growth aren’t discovered in the conference rooms or during brainstorming meetings of managers. They come from employees who are facing and interacting with clients and customers on every day basis and probably have bunch of ideas how to improve processes, customer service, product design or even some operational suggestions.

Awareness, incentives, collaboration and recognition are must have steps in innovation culture.

If you're interested in finding more information on how to maximize employees engagement on ideas contribution, please follow thie link below.


Geographical focus
  • International; Other
  • Serbia
  • Western Balkans
Scientifc field / Thematic focus
  • Cross-thematic/Interdisciplinary
  • Engineering and Technology

Entry created by Jovana Pajovic on September 20, 2016
Modified on October 5, 2016