WBC-INCO.NET Journal: Fall 2006


In this autumn edition of the eJournal of the 'Information Office of the Steering Platform on Research for the Western Balkan Countries' we are introducing the latest developments on the way to a more directed and structured implementation of the Steering Platform and initiatives heading for the future (such as the INCO-NET action). You also have the opportunity to catch a glimpse of the team behind see-science.eu.

To a large extent, this issue of the eJournal follows the structure of the summer edition: the special thematic focus lies on 'Information and Communication Technologies' as the field of 'Health' was covered in the last journal. Again we take a look outside the European Union and update on Swiss initiatives towards the Western Balkans´ research community. While the summer edition's country profile presented Albania, this time we get a flavour of the S&T system in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The SEE-ERA.NET project is announcing the launch of its Pilot Joint Call by the end of November 2006. Following George Bonas’ report on IPA initiatives in the previous issue, we are happy to inform on success stories from Serbia and the latest communications from Commissioner for Enlargement, Olli Rehn. Latest news on books and events are also covered again.
We strongly encourage you to participate in our dialogue on the topics of S&T in the Western Balkans and the European Union!

Document type
  • Deliverable - wbc-inco.net


Publication Year


Geographical focus
  • Western Balkans
Scientifc field / Thematic focus
  • Cross-thematic/Interdisciplinary

Entry created by Anngrit Pichler on January 26, 2012
Modified on April 18, 2014