Strategija razvoja informacionog drustva u Republici Srbiji

This is a strategy prepared by the Government of the Republic of Serbia (written in Serbian language). It deals with questions connected to information society and its development in Serbia. It tries to answer why is information society so important and sets goals and priorities, describes legislative framework etc. It also deals with e-government, e-health, e-education, e-business and e-banking. In the end it tries to describe what is the role of the Government in creating and developing information society.
The Government of the Republic of Serbia (2006): Strategija razvoja informacionog drustva u Republici Srbiji. Availabe from:, accessed 08.01.2008.


Publication Year


The Government of the Republic of Serbia
Geographical focus
  • Serbia

Entry created by Elke Dall on May 22, 2007
Modified on May 22, 2007