Domestic Lignite Emission Factor Evaluation for Greenhouse Gases Inventory Preparation of Republic of Serbia (WBalkICT)



This paper presents the evaluation of carbon emission characteristics of low calorific Kolubara open pit mined lignite. The samples of Kolubara Basin coal were carefully selected to cover a wide range of the net calorific value, ash and wather content, in order to ensure the coverage of wide spectra of the expected lignite qualities that are usually supplied to Serbian thermal power plants. Data base with results of complete proximate and ultimate analysis for the set of selected coal samples is formed. In accordance with the Revised 1996 IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Inventories, it is recommended that more precise and reliable data characteristics of the locally used fossil fuel should be introduced in GHG inventory preparation. Performed correlation analysis indicated that linear correlation exists between the net calorific value and the content of combustible matter in the coal samples. The analyses also indicated a linear correlation between carbon content and the content of combustible matter in the representative coal samples. From obtained set of results was possible to determine the between the carbon content and the net calorific value of the coal as well as the dependence between the carbon content and carbon emission factor. For the range of coal with net calorific values taken separetly in the consideration in this analysis (6≤Hd≤10 MJ/kg), derived correlation gives considerably higher values for the carbon emission factor (30.8–28 tC/TJ) compared to the standard IPCC recommended value for lignite of 27.6 tC/TJ. Relevant correlations were also used as a project basis for the introduction of a system for continuous monitoring and homogenization of coal and the analysis of the effects that introduction of this system would have on the balance of GHG emissions.

Document type
  • Other


Publication Year


Predrag Stefanović, Zoran Marković, Vukman Bakića Dejan Cvetinović, Vuk Spasojević, Nikola Živković
Geographical focus
  • Serbia
Scientifc field / Thematic focus
  • Engineering and Technology

Entry created by Ines Marinkovic on July 4, 2012
Modified on July 4, 2012