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How to work in the green economy? Guide for young people, job seekers and those who support them
When choosing professional future, many young people, sensitive to planetary issues, would like their future job to be consistent with their convictions and help to bend the carbon curve. However, for...
How do the characteristics of the labour markets and education systems affect migration flows, and vice versa? This study focuses on the impact of migration on the skills pool and utilisation in the Western...
CEB Research Paper: Social Infrastructure in the Western Balkans
#CEB research paper explores the potential of #socialinvestment - #education, #health, #housing - to counteract the effects of #braindrain and help #WesternBalkan countries achieve resilience. see ...
From Brain Drain to attraction of valuable talents in the Western Balkans
The migration of able, highly educated individuals from the Western Balkans region, which has been happening since the 1990s is known as “brain drain” and usually concerns the European Union and the United...
The COVID-19 pandemic hit the six Western Balkans1(WB6) amidst a reacceleration of economic activity and promising economic outlook for 2020 (EC, 2020). With the rapid spreading of the coronavirus in ...
WBC-RTI.INFO Newsletters sent in 2018
WBC-RTI.INFohas prepared several newsletter issues in 2018. Thematic articles were drafted while relevant stakeholders contacted and in some cases also interviewed.
The Way Back: Brain Drain and Prosperity in the Western Balkans
Policy Brief by Alida Vracic published by the European Council on Foreign Relations (ECFR). The paper analysis how the EU should do more to promote circular migration as part of their ongoing pursuit...