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29% Potocnik: Let's open our doors News 26. Jun. 2007
... the science ministers of three western Balkan countries. They were here to sign an agreement associating them with the Seventh Research Framework Programme. A representative of Turkey, which had signed such an agreement the week before, was also present. From now on Croatia, the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (FYROM), Serbia and Turkey will have the same rights and obligations as the European Member States in terms of access to research projects and grants. However, it is not only benefits they are gaining. The agreement binds them to drawing up comprehensive national research policies that would among other things encourage public ...
In the same call, some topics address all International Cooperation Partner Countries (of the WBC Croatia, Serbia and FYR of Macedonia are already Associated Countries, the others are currently still ICPC; but note: all WBC are eligible to participate in the programme): HEALTH-2007-2.3.2-13: Coordination of European research activities with global initiatives, including Public-Private Partnerships, Coordination or Support action - Targeted Country/Region: ICPCHEALTH-2007-2.3.2-14: Next ...
29% Celebrating Association to FP7 News 19. Jun. 2007
... Understanding entered into force on June 13, but it is applied as from January 1, 2007. (Information provided by European Commission, DG Research) Article published in eJournal summer 2007. Original article published on the website June 14, 2007. Croatia and Turkey had already participated as associated countries in FP6; for Serbia and FYR Macedonia this is the first time to participate in the programme in this way. Link for further information (EC Press Release): Three Western Balkans countries and ...
74% IT Star Workshop - Country Report Serbia Document 15. Jun. 2007
... in Bratislava. It deals with R&D investment and human resources in R&D in Serbia. It also presents an institutional capacity for S&T policy making in Serbia. Last but not the least some strategies, programmes and governance for R&D are presented. The Government of the Republic of Serbia ? (2006): COUNTRY REPORT – SERBIA. Available from:, accessed 15.06.2007. IT STAR Workshop on R&D in ICT
... is free of charge! Date: June 20, 2007 Location: House of Research, FFG Vienna, Sensengasse 1, 1090 Vienna Language: English Contact: Mag. Victoria SolitanderInternational CooperationFFG/EIPTel: +43-5775 4606 The ERA WESTBALKAN+ initiative is supporting the Western Balkan Countries (WBC), i.e. Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, FYR Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia in participating in the 7th EU Framework Programme (FP7). The FP7 Health partnering event between Austria and the Western Balkan, taking place on June 20, 2007 in Vienna, encourages researchers from Austria to find suitable research partners from the Western Balkan during the second open call in the FP7-Theme "Health ...
... application0708_go%20styria.doc Contact:Mag. Dietlinde Kastelliz, M.A. at the Office of International Relations of the University of Graz In cooperation with the University of Graz, the Province of Styria offers a new grant for outstanding students from South-Eastern European countries (Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Montenegro, Macedonia, Albania, Greece, Cyprus, Turkey, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria and Moldova) starting in the winter semester 2007/08. Deadline for applications: June 8, 2007 ...
... a review of the national legislation relevant to recognition of diplomas and study programs in Serbia. Then it presents bilateral and regional recognition agreements. Criteria and procedures for the recognition of the diplomas and certificates acquired abroad are presented as well. Last but not the least the ENIC Centre of Serbia, formed within the Ministry of Education and Sport of the Republic of Serbia in 2001 is presented. The Government of the Republic of Serbia (2006): NATIONAL ACTION PLAN FOR RECOGNITION OF QUALIFICATIONS. Available from:, accessed 01.06.2007. Bologna Secreteriat
This is a report on Bologna Process in Serbia made in the form of an interview. It deals with all the main issues regarding Bologna Process. First the description of the important developments relating to the Bologna Process, including legislative reforms, since the meeting in Bergen is given. Then the measures in place to ensure the co-operation of business ...
The Transnational Cooperation Programme South East Europe is part of the new Objective 3 European Territorial Cooperation for the programming period 2007-2013. General aim of transnational cooperation is to foster a balancned territorial development and territorial integration within the cooperation area. The Programme is not only the part of EU-Cohesion Policy affecting the Member States but also a component in the framework of Pre-Accession Assistance and the European Neighbourhood Policy ...
The Task Force of South East Europe Programme 2007-2013 developed a draft operational programme for transnational cooperation in line with Art. 6 of the ERDF Regulation. According to the SEA directive (2001/42/EC) a Strategic Environmental Assessment has been performed. In the light of the Community Strategic Guidelines (Lisbon/Gothenburg) the overall strategic goal of the programme is to develop transnational partnerships on matters of strategic importance to improve the territorial, economic ...
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