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... Science and Research of the South Eastern Europe. Its institutional structure consists of a Governing Board, a Consultative Body and a Secretariat (Agency). Currently, members of the ERI SEE Governing Board are the signatory Ministries of Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Kosovo (under UNSCR 1244), Republic of Macedonia, Moldova, Montenegro, Serbia and Romania, as well as of Austria as Co-Chair of the Task Force Fostering and Building Human Capital (TFBHC) of the Regional Cooperation Council (RCC). Institutional partners like the Council of Europe (CoE), European Training Foundation (ETF), European University Association (EUA), Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), as ...
33% Croatia - RIO Country Report 2015 Document 12. May. 2016
Full report and an Executive summary are attached below. Source: DG R&I The annual RIO Country Report offers an analysis of the R&I system in Croatia, including relevant policies and funding, with particular focus on topics critical for EU policies. The report identifies the main challenges of the Croatian research and innovation system and assesses the policy response. The report offers an analysis of the R&I system in Croatia for 2015, including relevant policies and funding, ...
Ditmir Bushati is the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Albania and Lubomír Zaorálek is the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic. "Last week the foreign ministers of the Western Balkan countries (Albania, Bosnia, Kosovo, Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia) and the EU Commission met in Durrës, located on the Adriatic coast of Albania, to streamline their cooperation as the region looks to enhance its EU accession agenda. Over the past two years, the region’s focus has been on the joint development of concrete connectivity projects with ...
... Country, Montenegro has already been actively participating in a number of COST Actions, covering scientific and technological research activities spanning various fields, such as Forestry, Information and Communication Technologies, and Food and Agriculture. Being a Full Member of the COST Association entitles researchers, engineers and scholars from Montenegro to thoroughly benefit from the COST networking opportunities. Furthermore, Montenegro now has the right to attend and to vote at the CSO meetings through its appointed representatives. The entire list of rights corresponding to Full Membership can be found under the COST Association Approved Statutes . As part of the COST Inclusiveness Target Countries*, Montenegro will ...
... The event was organized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Integration of Montenegro, Municipality of Herceg Novi, the Konrad Adenauer Foundation and the Managing Authority Cross-border Programme INTERREG IPA for Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Montenegro. The two-day conference, that gathered more than hundred representatives of the three countries, was the opportunity to present the potentials of strengthening good neighborly relations and the ...
... or Capital Investments – Ports, Railways, Cargo Centers, Highways, Hubs: How and Where to Start but Surely NOW!       Panelists:       Roman Escolano, Vice President, Transport, EIB (tbc) Oleg Butković, Minister of Maritime Affairs, Transport and Infrastructure, Croatia (tbc) Ivan Brajović, Minister of Transport and Maritime Affairs, Montenegro (tbc) Vlado Misajlovski, Minister of Transport and Communications, Macedonia (tbc) Matej Čer, CEO, Avantcar   Moderators: Iztok Seljak, Hidria and Damir Kuštrak, Agrokor     11:40 – 12:10 Networking break     12:10 – 13:20 Plenary Panel 2:  Mobility of Goods and People: How to Create Union ...
Regional cooperation is key to attracting more foreign investment money into the Balkans, stressed participants at the seventh Sarajevo Business Forum in the Bosnian capital on Wednesday. "There is no country which is able to stand alone, especially in our region," Montenegro’s economy minister Vladimir Kavaric told the forum."The countries of the Balkans need to see each other as partners facing international competition, rather than competing against each other," Kavaric said, adding that this was especially true when it comes to developing a regional infrastructure network. Despite the importance of ...
... exchange. A working group is currently developing a common proposal for its establishment. This website gives an overview over the process. The Institutional Framework of the Working Group During the Western Balkans Summit in Vienna, the 27.8.2015, the  Prime Ministers of Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo*, Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia have signed a “Joint Declaration on the establishment of the Regional Youth Cooperation Office of the Western Balkans”, in which they declare that they have agreed to “create the Regional Youth Cooperation Office of the Western Balkans, as a regionally-owned structure that leads and coordinates youth cooperation in ...
Different types of grants are envisaged for Austria and Montenegro including travel and accomodation expenses. The project duration shall be of 2 years. For all information please refer to the Call page. Documents for the applications as well as other details in reimbursement and the online application are available here. The deadline is May 31st 2016. Source: OeAD The call ...
The call is open to researchers working at universities as well as to any other legal entity (research institutes, etc.) planning to conduct a non-profit research project. Different types of grants are envisaged for Austria and Montenegro including travel and accomodation expenses. The project duration shall be of 2 years. For all information please refer to the Call page. Documents for the applications as well as other details in reimbursement and the online application are available here. Source: OeAD The aim is to intensify scientific cooperation between ...
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