... competitiveness through the development of transnational partnerships and joint actions on matters of strategic importance. The SEE Programme Area includes 16 countries. For 14 countries the eligible area is the whole territory of the country, namely for Albania, Austria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Romania, Croatia, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Greece, Hungary, Serbia, Montenegro, Slovakia, Slovenia and Moldova. In Italia and Ukraine only certain regions are eligible. The Managing Authority of the SEE Programme is Hungarian National Development Agency. The global and specific objectives of the programme will be pursued through Priority Axes, which contribute differently to the specific programme ...
... social integration process and contribution to cohesion, stability and competitiveness through the development of transnational partnerships and joint actions on matters of strategic importance. The Managing Authority of the SEE Programme (Hungarian National Development Agency) and the partner states (Albania, Austria, Bosnia- Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Republic of Moldova, Montenegro, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia and Ukraine) are launching the first call for projects for transnational cooperation in the South Eastern area of Europe to be co-financed by ERDF and IPA under this programme. In the first step, applicants are requested to submit an ...
The Regional Balkans Infrastructure Project, Transport - in the following referred to as REBIS - commenced in June 2002. The project is financed by the EU Commission and covers the Balkan countries of Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, FYRO Macedonia and Serbia and Montenegro, including Kosovo which is under international administration in line with UNSCR 1244 of 10 June 1999. REBIS aims to assist these countries in developing coherent strategies for transport infrastructure development. It focuses in particular on the development of a regional Core Network and on the identification ...
... heavily oversubscribed. A low success rate has to be expected. Out of the 475 proposals submitted, 190 (!) are coordinated by Turkish institutions, 74 by Greek and then 38 by institutions from Serbia. 30 proposals were submitted from Poland and on the fifth rank is Croatia with 24 proposals. FYR of Macedonia was also very active with 12 proposals, from Montenegro 4 proposals were recorded. In total coordinators were from 18 member states (among those the most active apart from Greece and Poland are Bulgaria, Romania and Estonia with more than 10 proposals from those countries) and 6 associated countries (apart from ...
The report focuses on the process of implementing the Charter for Small Enterprises in the Western Balkans. The report represents the first comprehensive and comparative assessment of progress in the Western Balkan countries and UNMIK/Kosovo since they adopted the European Charter for Small Enterprises (the Charter) in 2003. Small enterprises are the backbone of the Western Balkan economies. They make a major contribution to job creation and economic development and are behind the expansion of ...
Due to the transition of this journal from the see-science.eu project, which is funded under FP6 and ends in April 2008, to the WBC-INCO.NET project, funded under FP7 from January 2008 till December 2011, several changes are currently being implemented, which are visible already. Changes made The layout has been professionalised by subcontracting a company focused on graphic design. Furthermore, the content has been enriched by the partners of the INCO-NET consortium and therefore, the volume ...
The COST day was organised by Katerina Sumanovska, representative of the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia in the COST Committee of Senior Officials, and was opened by Jovan Lazarev, Deputy Minister of Education and Science, Gorgi Martinovski, Rector and Velimir Stojkovski, Vice-Rector of the St. Cyril and Methodius University. Presentations by the COST Presidency and by the COST Office followed: “COST: Past, Present and Future” by ...
... DSR), part of the MOES, programmes and organises its own work in developing national and international programmes for research and development. In this framework, bilateral co-operation is very important for the scientific community. Bilateral Agreements on S&T Co-operation Albania has active bilateral agreements with Greece, Italy, FYR of Macedonia and Slovenia and hopes that Austria, Poland and Turkey will ratify agreements in their parliaments in order to sign the executive programmes. Several agreements were signed in the period of 2005 to 2007, but especially the SEE-ERA.NET project has contributed to the enlargement of bilateral cooperations. In the near ...
... in order to share costs, avoid overlapping of initiatives and level up their bargaining status vis-à-vis the information industry. In fact, by engaging with the country-wide community of libraries, eIFL.net has enabled the building of national library consortia in Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, UNMIK/Kosovo, FYR of Macedonia, Serbia and Slovenia with a total membership of 373 libraries. Besides supporting the creation of local networks of libraries in almost every Balkan member country, eIFL.net has also attempted and encouraged to foster a greater regional co-operation based on the exchange of knowledge and experiences and showing success stories ...
... Albania: Environmental Security, Information Technology (IT), Biotechnology-Bioscience, Forecast and Prevention of Catastrophes, Human & Societal Dynamics, Food Security.■ Bosnia & Herzegovina: Environmental Security, IT, Forecast and Prevention of Catastrophes, Defence Against Terrorism. ■ Croatia: Environmental Security, Forecast and Prevention of Catastrophes, Human & Societal Dynamics, Border Security / Transport Security.■ FYR of Macedonia: Environmental Security, IT, Biotechnology-Bioscience, Human & Societal Dynamics, Food Security, Advance Technology.■ Montenegro: Environmental Security, IT, Biotechnology-Bioscience, Forecast and Prevention of Catastrophes, Human & Societal Dynamics.■ Serbia: Environmental Security, IT, Biotechnology-Bioscience, Forecast and Prevention of Catastrophes, Human & Societal Dynamics, Food Security, Advance Technology, Defence Against Terrorism. Budget:The amount of ...
... measure was to support the further development and differentiation of the national Science and Technology (S&T) system and S&T policy in the Western Balkan countries by benefiting from the German experiences and knowledge. Science administrators from the respective ministries of Bosnia and Herzegovina, the FYR of Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia participated in the management training in Bonn, Germany. The participants of the management training were introduced to the national S&T system and S&T policy of the Federal Republic of Germany including relevant aspects of European and international co-operation. Furthermore, they got an overview ...
... and 82 awards and recognitions for their innovations and new products as well as for their scientific contributions. Many of them are exporters to the international market with a focus on Italy, Austria, Slovenia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Germany, Egypt, Great Britain, Taiwan, India, Turkey, Hungary, Romania, and the FYR of Macedonia. Author Marijan Ožanić http://www.wbc-inco.net/users/3253.html Technology Park Zagreb http://www.wbc-inco.net/org/3254.html The Technology Park Zagreb was covered under the mapping exercise carried out by the see-science.eu project. Innovation Infrastructures (including science and technology parks, clusters, incubators, etc.) in all Western ...
... had no thematic restriction, but a networking approach and added value for solving society driven, current or upcoming problems in Kosovo, which had to be shown. In total, 39 eligible projects with partners from Austria, the ASO-countries Bulgaria and Slovenia, as well as Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, FYR of Macedonia, Kosovo/UNMIK, Montenegro, Romania and Serbia have been evaluated during the last weeks from local, regional and thematic experts. On March 17, 2008, the evaluation meetings took place in Vienna: Ten selected projects within the Kosovo-Call and nine projects within the Environment-Call were recommended for funding by the evaluators. During ...
The conference will bring together key decision makers in national science and education policies from thirty Central and Eastern European countries: Presidents of the Academies of Sciences, Ministers of Science and Education, and representatives of international funding agencies and professional organisations. The event will provide an opportunity for top policy makers to develop and enhance collaborations with their counterparts from across the region. The Science and Education Policies ...
Cordis Wire reports about the conclusion of the project on agri-food research in the Western Balkan Countries. The deliverables of the project consist of four BAFN Final reports: 4 National Mapping Reports (Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, FYROM and Serbia),one Consolidated Mapping Report, one Synthesis report, and one Position Paper. These report form part of the "BALKAN AGRO FOOD NETWORK" (BAFN),a project which has been awarded financial support by the European Commission under the ...
A final book publication by the Information Office of the Steering Platform on Research (see-science.eu) summarised several reports produced during the last 2 years. Country reports were developed to describe the S&T systems of the Western Balkan countries. The full publication also includes a thematic report on S&T in Kosovo/UNMIK.
Dall, Elke (ed.): Science and Technology in the Western Balkans. Wien. 2008.
This is the article on Electronic Information for Libraries (eIFL.net). It discusses the possibilities of affordable access to e-resources to the countries in its network through cooperation with local libraries. Currently eIFL.net includes library consortia in 50 countries in Central, Eastern and South-east Europe, former Soviet Union, Africa, the Middle-East and South-east Asia. The goal of the eIFL.net member library consortia is to offer to many as possible developing and transition ...
The ERA Green Paper consultation generated a substantial response from those with a stake in European research, including individuals, universities, research performing and funding organisations, public authorities at national, regional and European level, NGOs, industries and businesses, associations representing commercial and non-commercial interests, chambers of commerce, European technology platforms and others, such as tradeunions. This report synthesises the response to the consultation ...
... counted as state-union for the full duration of FP6 statistics) have contracted 50 SSAs (compared to 44 of Croatia and 167 for all WBC). CA SSA STREP IP NoE Albania 4 24 7 1 1 BiH 8 25 13 4 0 Croatia 21 44 37 13 9 FYR of Macedonia 6 24 26 6 0 Serbia 12 50 30 13 4 Sum 51 167 113 37 14 Full data from FP6 is now available and allows analysis on the participation of Western Balkan countries in the programme. One open secret is that the Balkan countries were not really successful in ...