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Search past events in Albania.
Each year the Commission adopts its "Enlargement package" - a set of documents explaining its policy on EU enlargement and reporting on progress achieved in each country. "The European Council granted Serbia the status of candidate country in 2012. The Stabilisation and Association Agreement (SAA) between Serbia and the EU entered into force in September 2013. Accession negotiations were launched in January 2014. The first four negotiating chapters were opened during the reporting period, ...
Each year the Commission adopts its "Enlargement package" - a set of documents explaining its policy on EU enlargement and reporting on progress achieved in each country. "On 1 April 2016, the EU-Kosovo* Stabilisation and Association Agreement (SAA) entered into force. This is the first contractual relationship between the EU and Kosovo, acomprehensive framework for closer political dialogue and economic relations. Kosovo* has faced serious domestic challenges, which have hampered EU-related ...
Each year the Commission adopts its "Enlargement package" - a set of documents explaining its policy on EU enlargement and reporting on progress achieved in each country. "The Stabilisation and Association Agreement between Montenegro and the EU entered into force in May 2010. The European Council granted the status of candidate country to Montenegro in December 2010. Accession negotiations were opened in June 2012. EU and NATO accession are the two key foreign policy priorities of Montenegro. ...
Each year the Commission adopts its "Enlargement package" - a set of documents explaining its policy on EU enlargement and reporting on progress achieved in each country. "The EU initiated in December 2014 a renewed approach to Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH), which provides for the re-sequencing of the conditionalities in order for the country to progress towards the EU and address the socio-economic challenges it faced. Following the adoption of a written commitment to reforms by the Bosnia and ...
... Science, the agency has extended responsibilities, including being the coordinator of the national contact points for Horizon 2020 and managing the national database on research, infrastructure and PhD/research publications. On integration into the European Research Area, bilateral memoranda of understanding were signed with Austria, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia and Slovenia. On the Innovation Union, the government adopted decisions establishing the Innovation Fund and a voucher scheme, but they have yet to be implemented. Chapter 25: Science and research. The EU provides significant support for research and innovation. All Member States can benefit from the EU’s research programmes ...
... neighbourly relations, thus supporting political stabilisation and economic opportunities. BACKGROUND Enlargement process The current enlargement agenda covers the countries of the Western Balkans and Turkey. Accession negotiations have been opened with candidate countries Turkey (2005), Montenegro (2012) and with Serbia (2014), but not yet with the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (a candidate country since 2005) nor Albania (candidate status in 2014). Bosnia and Herzegovina, and Kosovo are potential candidates. For detailed findings and recommendations on each country see: Strategy Paper: Albania: Bosnia and Herzegovina ...
RCC-led regional Working Group on Open Science comprised of officials from Ministries in charge of science from Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Kosovo*, Montenegro, Serbia and The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia got invited to attend regular meetings of the National Points of Reference of the EU member states in early October this year and this meeting was the first time ever that the RCC and representatives from the region could actively take part in the work of this forum. RCC ...
The draft report, presented at the SEE 2020 Governing Board meeting held on 30 May 2016 in Pravets, Bulgaria, reflects the status of implementation of the RCC’s SEE 2020 Strategy. The report was a subject to final consideration of the SEE 2020 Programming Committee at their meeting on 29 September 2016. Please read also "the South East Europe 2020 – A review of progress", an article by Sanjin Arifagic, RCC’s Coordinator of SEE 2020 Strategy published on 29 September 2016. ...
The South East Europe 2020 Strategy (SEE 2020) was adopted by the ministers of economy of seven South East European economies on 21 November 2013. Inspired by the EU’s 2020 Strategy it seeks to boost prosperity and job creation and to underscore the importance of the EU perspective to the region’s future through coordinated cooperation across a number of important policy dimensions. The adoption of SEE 2020 was a clear recognition by the national governments of the need for a ‘change of gear’ ...
EUROCON is a major international forum for the exchange of ideas, theory basics, design methodologies, techniques and experimental results between academia, research institutions and practitioners from industry. It has achieved a considerable success during the past 16 editions in all fields of electrical and electronic engineering, ICT and computer science covered by IEEE Societies. The technical program includes plenary sessions (invited keynote lectures), regular technical ...