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... participants. Registration Fee: None Accommodation: Accommodation and meals are free. Accompanying persons cannot be accommodated. Submit your application before 10th July, 2016. Source: The primary aim of this summer school is to teach immunology to young investigators in immunology from South-East Europe, i.e. Croatia, Serbia, Bosnia, Montenegro, Kosovo, Albania, Macedonia, Bulgaria and Romania. Some countries of this region still need help to establish a state-of-the-art immunology. Hotel Bleart, Durres
... at This call for participants is targeting youth work practitioners interested in taking part in the learning programme focusing on the topic of Europe with specific aspects in relation to the Western Balkan region. The residential training course will take place in Kosovo*, a country which has the youngest population in Europe with the average age of 25 years, and lively youth sector seeking for new prospects for international cooperation. Aim and objectives: The aim of the learning programme is to provide youth work practitioners with a possibility to explore and critically reflect ...
... work practice; - able to commit to participate in the entire programme, including the e-learning phase prior and after the training course (see the programme of activities for further information); - able to work effectively in English; - over 18 years old; Source: SALTO-YOUTH     The activity will take place in Pristina, Kosovo*, on 3-8 October 2016 and provides youth work practitioners with a space to explore and critically reflect different approaches towards Europe through identity, values and active participation, and to promote the notion of Europe as an opportunity. Pristina
... 2015, the participating heads of States agreed to support the development of high quality vocational education and training systems in the region based on the ‘Roadmap to a sustainable apprentice system’. It is in this regard that we - representatives of public and private sector entities from Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia, in addition Austria, Croatia, France, Germany, Italy, Slovenia, as well as representatives of the European Commission, International Financial Institutions and other multilateral and bilateral institutions - encourage greater cooperation between the public and the private sectors, with the objective of better understanding our respective contributions towards a labor ...
... as the children of the political revolutions in Poland and the Baltic states, in the Czech Republic and Slovakia, in Hungary and Ukraine. It also includes the children of the former Yugoslav Republics, who experienced political change through the violence of war that led to the creation of Bosnia-Herzegovina, Croatia, Kosovo, FYR Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia and Slovenia. Having now reached adulthood, the question of how this generation deals with the past, present, and future in Europe is raised. The experiences and expectations as well as the social, cultural and political viewpoints that form the foundation of these young adults’ roles in ...
... as the children of the political revolutions in Poland and the Baltic states, in the Czech Republic and Slovakia, in Hungary and Ukraine. It also includes the children of the former Yugoslav Republics, who experienced political change through the violence of war that led to the creation of Bosnia-Herzegovina, Croatia, Kosovo, FYR Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia and Slovenia. Having now reached adulthood, the question of how this generation deals with the past, present, and future in Europe is raised. The experiences and expectations as well as the social, cultural and political viewpoints that form the foundation of these young adults’ roles in ...
... Activity Outlook 2016-2017 Alfred Maier EIT RIS Leoben Peter Moser Vice-Rector Montanuniversitaet Leoben 12:45 – 14:00 LUNCH         Source: ESEE The ESEE region (East & South-East Europe), where almost 100 million Europeans live in countries like Albania, Austria, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Greece, Hungary, Kosovo*, Montenegro, FYR of Macedonia, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia and Slovenia is of utmost importance to the European Union from a political point of view (cohesion, regional development, "Candidate Countries" and "potential candidates") and from an economic point of view (security of supply, economic value, employment). The ESEE region is of particular ...
ing days with panel discussions and focused thematic workshops, and two public events, over 100 participants, representatives of think tanks, policy institutes and other CSOs from the countries of the Western Balkans as well as high EU officials and MEPs, diplomats, members of regional and international organisations and foundations, local and regional media, were discussing the broader issue of civil society participation and on defining realistic mechanisms for fostering dialogue ...
... the different nations. Costs Due to the generous sponsorship of the Embassy of the United States in Hungary, total fee  for Central/Eastern European participants is 40 EUR (for students from Albania, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Macedonia, Georgia, Hungary, Kosovo, Moldova, Montenegro, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, and Ukraine); 180 EUR for participants outside this region. How to apply? If you are interested in participation you can apply online. The deadline is June 14 2016. Feel free to contact main organizers: Zsuzsanna Fodor, ERYF Co-ordinator for Hungary ...
... the different nations. Costs Due to the generous sponsorship of the Embassy of the United States in Hungary, total fee  for Central/Eastern European participants is 40 EUR (for students from Albania, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Macedonia, Georgia, Hungary, Kosovo, Moldova, Montenegro, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, and Ukraine); 180 EUR for participants outside this region. How to apply? If you are interested in participation you can apply online. The deadline is June 14 2016. Feel free to contact main organizers: Zsuzsanna Fodor, ERYF Co-ordinator for Hungary ...
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