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36% Art and Science: Creative Fusion Document 20. Apr. 2009
This publication looks at art & science – an autonomous field uniting art and science which are typically thought to belong to two different worlds. However, these two domains have strong historical links, and if analysed in their totality, date back to the very beginning of human creativity, fuelled by curiosity and ingenuity. Today more and more artists are drawing inspiration from science and using the latest technology and research in their art, while scientists and researchers ...
35% Call open: CIP Eco Innovation News 20. Apr. 2009
... recycling and recovery, high efficiency in the water process; Greening business and smart purchasing: application of EMAS, , integration o ecoinnovation in supply chains, green purchasing Eligibility criteria ►Legal person which is located in: • 27 EU Member States; • EFTA; • EEA; • Plus: Croatia, Turkey, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Montenegro, Israel, Serbia, further countries depending on bilateral agreements • Emphasis on SMEs. Award Criteria • Relevance of the action: policy framework, innovation and substantial environmental benefits; • Quality of the proposed actions: soundness and coherence of project from the technical and project management perspective; • Impact on target audience ...
... rsquo; established in different EU Member States or Associated countries. The entities must be independent of each other.  Any legal entity established in an FP7 International Cooperation Partner Country (ICPC) may join the consortium and receive funding, once this eligibility criteria has been met.  Albania, Bosnia-Hercegovina, Crotia, FYR Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia are associated countries to FP7.  Kosova is ICPC in FP7.   Further information on the programme (e.g. links to programme website, Rules for Participation, Financial Guidelines, etc.): Detailed information on the call may be found from the following links: Official Call Website : http://cordis.europa ...
This document provides an overview on current scientific projects from various disciplines concerning South-Eastern Europe (in German language), GESIS - Leibniz-Institut für Sozialwissenschaften: Aktuelle Forschungsprojekte zu Südosteuropa. Bearbeitet von Anja Wilde, Leibnitz 2009. GESIS - Leibniz-Institut für Sozialwissenschaften
Summary The main question addressed in this study is the performance of the labour markets in the Western Balkans. The aim is to find out whether they can deliver growth of employment and decline of unemployment in the medium run and whether they can withstand shortterm shocks due to changes in demand or supply. These questions are particularly pressing in view of the monetary policy based on fixed exchange rates which is followed by the majority of the countries in this region. In terms of the ...
37% Final report of the project UnivSOE Document 24. Mar. 2009
The final report developed by the University Graz on its project "UnivSOE" covers "Institutions of Research and Tertiary Education in Central and South East Europe - Developments, Structures and Perspectives of these Institutions for their Integration into the European Higher Education and Research Area". The final report is published by Wolfgang MANTL / Joseph MARKO / Hedwig KOPETZ. Mantl, W., Marko, J., Kopetz, H.: Institutions of Research and Tertiary Education in Central ...
36% First FP7 Monitoring Report Document 24. Mar. 2009
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY This first FP7 Monitoring Report covers the year 2007 and is the first one based on a completely new approach: While in FP6 and previous Framework Programmes monitoring had been implemented through annual panels of independent experts which selected specific areas of FP implementation and performance to analyse and report on, the FP7 monitoring system is designed as an internal management tool, based on a coherent system of indicators. The present is thus intended to be a ...
34% Petnica International Science Center Organisation 24. Mar. 2009
... ideas among students interested in different science disciplines andto establish rich international and intercultural contacts and co-operation among young people, students and teachers.Petnica Science Center has large network of associates and associate organizations and successfully co-operates with: 70 scientific institutions ( Serbia) + over 100 (worldwide), 250 schools ( Serbia, Montenegro, Bosnia, Macedonia…),and over 1,500 associates (worldwide).Programs of PSC have been funded so far by European Commission, Fund for Open Society, Serbian Ministry of Science, HESP Budapest, KulturKontakt Austria, Serbian Ministry of Education, Swiss Development Agency, The British Council, UNESCO, Telenor Foundation…Petnica International Science School is prepared for undergraduate ...
... Mechanical Engineering studies started in the autumn of 1959 at the Technical Faculty in Skopje, within which the Department of the Electrical and Mechanical Engineering was created. Due to the increased social demand for mechanical engineers in Republic of Macedonia, in 1965 within the Ss. Cyril and Methodius University, a separate Faculty of Mechanical Engineering was established with two divisions: Electrical Engineering and Mechanical Engineering. The development of studies in Mechanical Engineering brought about the necessity of establishing a separate Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and it dates from 1977 existing ...
... countries in implementing reforms, the European Commission should work to ensure that visa benchmark requirements are implemented and promote mutual security, and do not impose unnecessary burdens. The EC should also agree during the Czech EU Presidency a clear timeline for visa liberalisation for each country - Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Macedonia, Montenegro, and Serbia. Enlargement serves the European Union's strategic interest in stability, security, and conflict prevention. It has helped to increase prosperity and growth opportunities, and to enhance the EU's weight in the world. In the light of recent challenges to stability to the east of the EU, the consistent ...
"The financial and economic crisis that came to light late in 2008 is the kind of extreme development that calls for one essential quality when seeking solutions: creativity. We need creativity to find the best answers. But creativity is not only useful in crisis situations, of course. Creativity and innovative capacity have crucial long-term benefits for the economy, society, enterprises as well as individuals. Innovation and creativity are fundamental pillars for sustainable economic and ...
... programme is open to partners from large industrial companies, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), as well as research institutes and universities. Its 4th call in the frame of software-intense systems is now open. The following West Balkan Countries are eligible as members of the EUREKA network: Croatia, FYR of Macedonia and Serbia. Submission Deadline: April 9, 2009 ...
... Source: Informaeuropa Newsletter as of March 3, 2009. As announced by the EU on February 12, 2009, the Lifelong Learning Programme 2009 is opening up for the participation of the Republic of Croatia and of the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia. The Lifelong Learning Programme is the European Commission's single umbrella for various educational and training initiatives with a significant total budget of nearly EUR 7 billion for 2007 to 2013. The budget earmarked for the two "newcomers" is estimated at EUR 643 115 for the Republic of Croatia ...
Proposals are invited from economists and other social scientists. For the competition, the following priority area of research has been identified: Inequality and Public Policy For a more detailed description of the research area, please download the wiiw GDN-SEE project proposal at: For further information, please have a look at the attachment. If you have any questions, please contact:   ...
34% FP7 project FOCUS BALKANS started News 5. Mar. 2009
Trainings on state of the art methodologies, practical techniques and theories in Food Consumer Sciences will be organized targeting a wide range of organizations from the public and private sectors, NGOs and consumer associations. National meetings in each of the Western Balkan Countries (Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, FYR of Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia, Slovenia) with stakeholders active in Food Consumption related fields will take place twice a year. Four market and consumer studies (on products with positive nutritional properties – fruits and health food – and sustainability (organic and traditional food products) will measure the drivers and determinants of this products ...
37% D3.18 Report on Barriers to Cooperation Document 4. Mar. 2009
Executive summary The main task of this research was to identify the barriers which inhibit researchers from the Western Balkan countries and Turkey (WBC&T) from international R&D cooperation in order to provide policy makers with the analytical backgrounds to create policy measures for facilitating research cooperation. This is the first study focused on identification of the factors which hamper the cooperation of WBC&T in the two types of collaborative projects: /1/ European ...
... be rapid adopters of new ideas and technologies. In addition, some of these small jurisdictions have carved out and maintain a niche in the global economy. How does this happen? What can Fulbrighters and leaders in other countries, businesses and organizations learn from your experiences? The program in FYR of Macedonia will be a place to learn, to share, to engage and to enjoy: four days of fun and education in Skopje, FYR of Macedonia, on March 24-27, 2009. For further information and registration: [] Registration is $400/person, with discounts for Fulbright scholars and participants ...
The agreements are related to transition and institutional capacity building assistance programme, cross-border cooperation between FYR of Macedonia and Greece, and financing Macedonian participation in ERDF (European Regional Development Fund) Transnational Programme on Territorial Cooperation "Southeastern Europe". Furthermore, the programme for cross-border cooperation (CBC) between FYR of Macedonia and Greece will eliminate the obstacles to economic and social development of border areas by promotion of sustainable ...
... 2010. Robert Bosch Fellows will be members of the international and multidisciplinary scholarly community at the IWM. They are invited to present and discuss their project in lectures or seminars. 2) Eligibility The IWM is accepting applications from Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Hungary, Kosovo/UN Resolution, FYR of Macedonia, Montenegro, Romania, Serbia, Slovenia. Applications are accepted from researchers who ■ are citizens or permanently reside in one of the abovementioned countries, ■ or are affiliated to a university or research institution in the region, ■ or (independent of the applicant’s country of origin) who pursue research on South-Eastern Europe Visiting ...
34% University American College Skopje Organisation 23. Feb. 2009
The University American College Skopje (UACS) was established in 2005 as one of the few independent universities in the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia. The University’s Mission institutional mission is...• To provide excellence in higher education and in all areas of its activity by combining the best of European and American educational standards and practices and by including European and American contents in all its curricula.• To develop as a research and applied ...
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