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Search past events in Albania.
... nbsp; The R&D Strategy was adopted by the ministers of science of Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Kosovo*, The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Montenegro, and Serbia on 25 October 2013 in Zagreb, Croatia. As part of the RCC’s SEE 2020 Strategy a Regional Action Plan for implementation of Western Balkans Research and Development Strategy for Innovation was adopted on April 2, 2014. The Plan includes organisation of the Regional Scientific Forum ...
... of knowledge, etc. Regional cooperation and participation in several support activities have been one way to tackle the challenges. At the "Horizon 2020 Regional Launch Event for Western Balkans" on March 4, 2014 in Budva, Montenegro it was confirmed that the association procedures for Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, FYR of Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia are under way and well on track. This means that these WBC will participate in Horizon 2020 on equal terms like the EU Member States and not as "third countries". For all currently open calls, participants from the region and their consortia may prepare proposals as if ...
IPA II (2014-2020) Prepared in partnership with the beneficiaries, IPA II sets a new framework for providing pre-accession assistance for the period 2014-2020. The most important novelty of IPA II is its strategic focus. Country Strategy Papers are the specific strategic planning documents made for each beneficiary for the 7-year period. These will provide for a stronger ownership by the beneficiaries through integrating their own reform and development agendas. A Multi-Country Strategy Paper ...
... now: 100 years have passed since the beginning of the first World War and 10 years since the biggest round of enlargement of the European Union (EU) with the accession of 10 new countries. Today, the EU perspective is open to Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Iceland, Kosovo*, Montenegro, Serbia and Turkey. The European Commission is keen to learn more about what you think: What can today's European Union of 28 Member States learn from its past to help improve its future? What does an enlarged European Union mean to you? If you are between 15 ...
... Innovation; General Secretariat for Research and Technology on behalf of the current Greek Presidency of the Council of the European Union; Ministry of Education and Sports (Albania); Ministry of Civil Affairs (Bosnia and Herzegovina); Ministry of Science, Education and Sports (Croatia); Ministry of Education and Science (FYR of Macedonia); Ministry of Science (Montenegro) and Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development (Serbia) as well as messages from WBC-INCO.NET partners are included as introductory part of this publication. At this point we would like to express once again our deepest appreciation for the support and commitment to the WBC-INCO ...
... comparative assessment of the innovation performance of the EU Member States and the relative strengths and weaknesses of their research andinnovation systems. It monitors innovation trends across the EU Member States,including Croatia, from this edition as the 28 the Member State, as well as Iceland, theFormer Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Norway, Serbia, Switzerland and Turkey. It also includes comparisons between the EU and 10 global competitors. Average innovation performance is measured by summarizing performance over equally - weighted 25 indicators in one composite indicator: the Summary Innovation Index. This year, the IUS2014 is accompanied by the Regional Innovation Scoreboard 2014. EC ...
... COST Actions Leadership roles in COST Actions Initiator roles in scientific committees Grant Holder role Primary target countries are the following COST countries which include both EU-Member States (EU13) and enlargement countries: Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Estonia, Croatia, Hungary, Lithuania, Latvia, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Malta, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Slovenia, Slovakia, and Turkey. Additionally, for other countries there is the possibility to get involved in the COST Actions as a “Near Neighborhood Country”, which is a nomination process for institutions located in one of the following countries, who are then also eligible for reimbursement from ...
... with the objective to create a European network of persons providing professional research support: administrative, legal and financial. As only participants from Bosnia and Herzegovina and from Croatia are currently part of the network, there is still a possibility to join the activities for research administrators from Serbia, FRY of Macedonia as COST countries and for those from Albania and Montenegro as so-called Near Neighbourhood countries ...
Paper Submission – Calendar: Abstract submission: March 30th, 2014 Notification of abstract acceptance: April 15th, 2014 Full paper submission: June 28th, 2014 Notification of accepted papers: July 31st, 2014 Early registration: August 31st, 2014 Confirmation of the participation: September 20th, 2014 Please submit your paper to: Paper Publication: All submitted papers will be double-blind reviewed. The selected papers will be published ...
... new or improved products and services, but also the costs relative to market research and intellectual property management. The Call is open to SMEs from the regions involved in the WIDER project: Marche in Italy, Sarajevo in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Algarve in Portugal, Catalonia in Spain, Rhone-Alpes in France, Central Macedonia in Greece, and from Slovenia. Applications can be submitted until 31 May. Parallelly with this Call for SMEs, there is a directly linked Call for experts in the innovation and/or eco-smart housing fields. Eligible to apply are experts from most regions from Italy, Portugal, Spain, France, Greece, Slovenia, Bosnia ...