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... the environment and increasing prosperity. In particular the priority areas “Knowledge Society” (PA7) and “Competitiveness” (PA8) are relevant to support research and innovation activities. They are also co-coordinated by Serbia and Croatia respectively, but some areas of the Western Balkans are not addressed by the strategy at all (FYR of Macedonia, Albania, Kosovo) and others are officially involved but not equally active (Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro).  Information about the EUSDR with a specific focus on RTI is available from the dedicated website of the FP7 project Danube-INCO.NET focusing on the geographical coverage of the EU Strategy for the Danube ...
... discussed activity plans for future. WBEN also adopted new logo and confirmed new regional coordinator for 2016-2017, Mr. Rijad Kovač from BHeval. Bojan Radej, SiES, Programme Committee of the Conference Conference programme: Policy evaluation is gaining momentum in Western Balkan region (Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Macedonia, Montenegro, Slovenia, and Serbia). Six national and one regional evaluation communities, consisting of more than 400 members, held their first regional conference in Sarajevo, 28-29 October 2015. This event review is prepared by Mr. Bojan Radej, SiES, Programme Committee of the Conference ...
34% Western Balkan Evaluators Network Organisation 24. Feb. 2016
Increasing need for establishing critical mass of evaluators led Slovenian Evaluation Society to propose establishing Western Balkan Evaluation Network (WBEN) to Evaluation Society in B&H in 2012. Today WBEN involves founding members also from Croatia, Montenegro, Macedonia, and Serbia. By now WBEN enriched cooperation between members with infrastructure consisting of some basic elements. They opened web based regional forum, a newsletter, e-mailing list, and web page. Coordinative body has been established of national representatives that meet regularly, they adopted networks mission, vision, and work plan for 2014-2015 ...
... Authors shall be under 35 years of age at the date of submission. Authors shall be citizens of one of the following countries: Albania, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, the Czech Republic, Estonia, FYR of Macedonia, Moldova, Montenegro, Hungary, Kosovo*, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia or Ukraine. For more information, please refer to the Conditions for Participation. Source and related information: Oesterreichische Nationalbank (OeNB) In 2000, the Oesterreichische Nationalbank (OeNB) established an award to commemorate Olga Radzyner, former Head of the OeNB’s ...
... scientific diaspora from the region of the former Yugoslavia plus Albania, one can observe in different national and regional strategies (e.g. WB Regional R&D Strategy for Innovation, Strategy of Scientific and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia 2010-2015; Resolution on Migration Policy of the Republic of Macedonia 2009 etc.) and implemented national and regional programmes (“Unity through Knowledge Fund”, Croatia, 2007-2013; “Brain Gain Programme”,  Albania, 2006-2013; “Western Balkans Brain Gain Programme” funded by Austrian Development Agency 2002-2011 etc.) that this group of people is increasingly recognised by the governments as an important policy priority. The scientific ...
... large variety of quantitative and qualitative methods and techniques. The multifaceted approach, in turn, generates a uniquely comprehensive picture of formal and informal institutions in the Balkan region. The quantitative side of the project is to yield a face-to-face survey of total 6,200 respondents in Serbia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, FYR of Macedonia, Albania, Kosovo, and Montenegro. The qualitative research includes 36 months of ethnographic work, semi-structured interviews with survey respondents, and interviews with policy makers. A set of case studies on select topics will probe into particularly salient examples of informal institutions. The research also includes long-term consultation processes. Along with continuous ...
... to help boost investment in innovative companies to promote jobs and growth." Borislav Kostadinov, member of the management board of ProCredit Holding added: “We are proud that ProCredit is the first group of banks to sign the umbrella InnovFin SME Guarantee for its operations in Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Macedonia, Moldova, Romania and Serbia. This will stimulate innovative ideas and investments by our clients and thus enable them to increase their competitiveness. As the leading “house bank” for small and medium-sized enterprises in this region, we know that modern technology, innovative thinking and environmental orientation are key factors for future ...
The South East Europe 2020 strategy of the Regional Cooperation Council (RCC) has been published in 2013 and complemented by the SEE 2020 Baseline Report: Towards Regional Growth reflecting the work on the implementation in 2014. The goal of the South East Europe (SEE) 2020 strategy of the Regional Cooperation Council (RCC), is to improve living conditions in the region and bring competitiveness and development back in focus, closely following the vision of the EU strategy Europe 2020. It ...
The Strategy is defined in a Communication  from the European Commission (2014), accompanied by an Action Plan which presents the objectives and concrete pillars and topics of the Adriatic-Ionian Strategy. For a prosperous and integrated Adriatic and Ionian Region (English version) Brochure in all EUSAIR languages General Affairs Council Conclusions of 29 September 2014 Endorsement by the European Council - 23 and 24 October 2014 Supportive analytical document accompanying the ...
The Strategy is defined in a Communication from the European Commission (2010) The EUSDR Action Plan  Council Conclusions (2011) on the EUSDR Commission Report (2013) on the added value of macro-regional strategies Council Conclusions (2013) on the added value of macro-regional strategies Commission Report (2013) concerning the EUSDR Commission Report (2014) on the governance of macro-regional strategies Joint Statement (2014) of Ministers ...
Providing think tanks from Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, Macedonia, Montenegro, and Serbia with training and networking opportunities, the TRAIN Programme seeks to foster a fruitful policy dialogue between think tanks and political actors in the Western Balkans. During a series of seminars, participants will receive training on the conduct and efficient communication of policy research and will have the ...
This publication has been produced within the framework of the research project "Connecting the Scientific Diaspora of the Republic of Moldova to the scientific and socio-economic development of the home country" which was implemented by Academy of Sciences of Moldova. However, few chapters of the book are dedicated to South East European countries, and thus might be of interest for readers as well. ...
... Please find all related information in pdf attached below. Source: ERAWEB   Erasmus Mundus-Western Balkans (ERAWEB) is announcing call for applications 2016 for academic mobility scholarships in thematic fields related to MEDICINE, HEALTH and PUBLIC HEALTH unter: ERASMUS MUNDUS - Action 2 Partnerships: Western Balkans: Albania, Bosnia & Herzegovina, FYR of Macedonia, Kosovo*, Montenegro, Serbia.   ...
36% Analytical Study of Montenegrin Diaspora Document 29. Dec. 2015
This Study was conducted under Government of Montenegro’s five-year project entitled “Higher Education and Research for Innovation and Competitiveness” (HERIC). This Study examines available data to assess the plausibility of scientific  Diaspora’s  involvement  in  innovation  processes  inside  Montenegro. This  is  achieved through an analysis of Diaspora’s potential, as well as of Montenegro’s legal and institutional framework, current policies ...
36% 10 years of Brain Gain in Kosova Document 29. Dec. 2015
For the last ten years, the project has supported the invitaon of professors, assistants and experts from relevant study fields to enable the UP and its students to benefit from their knowledge and expertise. Through their engagement at the UP, the emigrated academics also supported the ongoing reform processes at the University of Prishtina. Through BGP, Diaspora scholars and experts as well as academics, teaching at Austrian institutions, were encouraged to come to Kosova and to teach, ...
The main purpose of the scholarship is to enable scientific staff of universities to do research at Austrian universities in the context of master or doctoral studies (an age limit of 40 years applies, priority is given to PhD candidates). targeted countries: Applicants from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, FYR of Macedonia, Montenegro, and Serbia. The role of WUS Austria is to promote the program and provide information to interested persons; further information can also be obtained at the Institute of International Law and International Relations/University of Graz, which is in charge of selecting the candidates. Implementation of the program is ...
... In 2014, the conference was held in Turkey where 250 professionals from 17 countries have attended it and in 2015 the conference took place in Romania with over 150 guests from 16 countries: Macedonia, Serbia, Romania, Russia, Czech Republic, Turkey, Bulgaria, Denmark, Cyprus, Austria, Germany, Spain, Albania, Hungary, Great Britain and France. During the 7th conference that is to be held in Macedonia the presence of over 250 participants from 20 countries is expected. During the conference it is planned to have array of ...
During the 7th conference that is to be held in Macedonia the presence of over 250 participants from 20 countries is expected. During the conference it is planned to have array of brokerage events B2B, B2C, C2C, meetings with businessmen and other events related to the development of business opportunities in the country and the region. During the conference bilateral agreements ...
... research practices. This new “return of the Balkans” to the forefront of the European scene has been demonstrated by distinct events such as the entry of certain countries in the European Union (Bulgaria and Romania in 2007, Croatia in 2013) and the prospective membership of others (Serbia, Montenegro, Republic of Macedonia, etc.) as well as a series of far-reaching events such as the eruption of the financial crisis in Greece and its global effects and the massive and dramatic migratory processes currently facing the entire southeast European region. In different manners, these events have led us to view the Balkan area ...
... strong will of the “BalkanMed” participating countries to promote cooperation in the area and the split of the “South East Europe 2007-2013". The Programme brings together five countries, three EU member states (Bulgaria, Cyprus and Greece) and two candidate countries, Albania and the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia. - See more at: About the Programme “INTERREG Balkan-Mediterranean 2014-2020” is a new cooperation Programme, deriving from both the strong will of the “BalkanMed” participating countries to promote cooperation in the area and the split of the “South East Europe 2007-2013". The Programme ...
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