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It is the first study in the region to answer questions on how many degrees are given by year and in which field, on the obstacle of entry into the labour market by graduates and on what employers are looking for in terms of skills. The study offers a set of concrete recommendations to tackle the identified issues, both at individual country level and at regional level. The study has also assembled a unique higer education database that includes details of virtually all study programmes offered ...
Executive summary This synthesis report  analyses  higher  education  (HE)  provision  and  labour  market opportunities  in  the Western  Balkans  by  looking  into  four  inter-related  issues:  the provision  of  HE,  the current  situation  of  the  graduate  labour  market,  the  challenges facing  graduates  and employers  ...
... and increase investment in research in line with European Research Area priorities. On research and innovation policy, the 2015-2020 national strategy on science, technology and innovation has yet to be adopted. Investments in research and measures to strengthen research and innovation capacity at national level need to be stepped up. Bosnia and Herzegovina The preparations on education and research and innovation policy are at an early stage. There was some progress in these sectors. Bosnia and Herzegovina actively participated in different cultural programmes as well as research networks and activities. In the coming year, Bosnia and Herzegovina should in particular: strengthen the capacity ...
Launched in 2012, this is the EU's initiative for cooperation in education with Albania, Bosnia & Herzegovina, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Kosovo, Montenegro and Serbia. The Director-General of EAC Chairs the annual Ministerial meetings which identify common priorities, discuss latest policy and reform measures and decide on topics for regional cooperation with EU assistance.   What has been done so far? To date, the platform ...
The aim of this report is to provide an analysis of the main achievements, the impact and the sustainability of the Tempus IV (2007 - 2013) projects in the development of support services for students at universities in the Western Balkans.  The report also identifies obstacles and shortcomings.
... responsibilities of the NEOs. Here are the contact details for the Western Balkan countries: Albania Ms. Edit Dibra National Erasmus+ Office Sheshi Skenderbe, Pallati i Kultures, kati IIII Kodi postar 1004 Tirane Tel: +355 4 2256508 Fax: +355 4 2240435 Email: Web-site:   Bosnia and Herzegovina Mr. Suad Muhibic National Erasmus+ Office Obala Isa-bega Isakovica 8 71000 Sarajevo Bosnia and Herzegovina Tel: +387 33 570 260 Fax: +387 33 570 262 E-mail: Web-site:   Kosovo1 Ms. Remzije Istrefi, Coordinator Kosovo Erasmus+ Office Str. "Sejdi Kryeziu", Pejton, Nr. 49 10 000 Pristina Kosovo Tel/fax: +381(0)38 609884 E-mail: office@erasmuspluskosovo ...
... Accession negotiations with Montenegro on the acquis on science, research and innovation (Chapter 25) were opened and provisionally closed in December 2012; accession negotiations with Serbia were opened in January 2014. Chapter 25 on "Science and Research" has been provisionally closed in 2006. Initial investigations prior to accession negotiations with Bosnia and Herzegovina are being prepared. ...
48% Erasmus+ Programme Annual Report 2015 Document 7. Feb. 2017
This report covers the second year of implementation of Erasmus+, the EU programme for education, training, youth and sport. It aims to give an overview of all the activities implemented so far with regard to the Erasmus+ 2015 calls, planned under the 2015 Erasmus+ Annual Work Programme.
... analysis and discussion of these issues in Croatia through panels, participants’ presentations and research papers. Training workshop is open to policy makers, members of the academic community and business people from Croatia who are interested in these topics. Workshop is also open to stakeholders from the selected SEE countries (Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, FYRO Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia). Training workshop will work in four modes: lectures, panel discussions, participants’ presentations in teams on given topics and presentations of selected research papers by participants. Taking into consideration that the workshop is organised within the capacity building project, we invite participants to send and ...
... analysis and discussion of these issues in Croatia through panels, participants’ presentations and research papers. Training workshop is open to policy makers, members of the academic community and business people from Croatia who are interested in these topics. Workshop is also open to stakeholders from the selected SEE countries (Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, FYRO Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia). Training workshop will work in four modes: lectures, panel discussions, participants’ presentations in teams on given topics and presentations of selected research papers by participants. Taking into consideration that the workshop is organised within the capacity building project, we invite participants to send and ...
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