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Search past events in Albania.
... be searched via a database provided by CORDIS, see /link/686.html. Source: CORDIS, as accessed in December 2006. Update on the Association Status By the year 2009, all Western Balkan countries have signed Memoranda of Understanding associating to the 7th Framework Programme: Albania Bosnia and Herzegovina Croatia FYR of Macedonia Montenegro Serbia Only Kosovo/UNMIK remained on the list of International Cooperation Partner Countries. CORDIS offers services for specific user groups among which are also specifically researchers and organisations located outside the European Union. The service gives straightforward answers to questions such as: - Can I participate in FP7 if I ...
... The European Union has agreed to negotiate agreements with Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia making it much easier and cheaper for their nationals to obtain visas to travel to the EU. All of these countries have expressed interest in joining the European Union, but for various reasons have not met criteria to become accession states, yet.The EU foreign ministers have ...
This is the latest progress report published by the European Commission - DG Enlargement in November 2006 on the relations between the EU and the FYR of Macedonia, and the overall political, economical and social progress of FYROM. The report also mentions the development of intellectual property law (page 28), science and research (page 50) and information society (page 31). Commission of the European Communities (2006): The FYR of Macedonia 2006 Progress Report;Available from: http://ec.europa ...
... be taken and informs about the National SEE-ERA.NET Contact Points. All 14 countries in the SEE-ERA-NET project have declared that they will participate with national financial contributions to this first pilot joint call: ALBANIA, AUSTRIA, BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA, BULGARIA, CROATIA, FRANCE, GERMANY, GREECE, HUNGARY, THE FORMER YUGOSLAV REPUBLIC OF MACEDONIA, MONTENEGRO, ROMANIA, SLOVENIA, SERBIA. (2006): Call Text of the SEE-ERA.NET Pilot Joint Call for a multilateral funding programme on Research and Thematic Network Projects as well as Summer Schools in/with the Western Balkan Region. Version November 30, 2006. Available from: ...
This is the latest progress report published by the European Commission - DG Enlargement in November 2006 on the relations between the EU and Albania and the overall political, economical and social progress of Albania. The report also mentions the development of intellectual property law (page 28) and information society (page 36). Commission of the European Communities (2006): Albania 2006 Progress ReportAvailable from: ...
This is the latest progress report published by the European Commission - DG Enlargement in November 2006 on the relations between the EU and BiH, and the overall political, economical and social progress of BiH. The report also mentions the development of intellectual property law (page 34) and information society (page 42). Commission of the European Communities (2006): Bosnia and Herzegovina 2006 Progress Report; Available from: ...
This is the latest progress report published by the European Commission - DG Enlargement in November 2006 on the relations between the EU and Montenegro, and the overall political, economical and social progress of Montenegro. The report also mentions the development of intellectual property law (page 27) and information society (page 34). Commission of the European Communities (2006): Montenegro 2006 Progress Report; Available from: ...
This is the latest progress report published by the European Commission - DG Enlargement in November 2006 on the relations between the EU and Serbia, and the overall political, economical and social progress of Serbia. The report also mentions the development of intellectual property law (page 28) and information society (page 33). Commission of the European Communities (2006): Serbia 2006 Progress Report;Available from: ...
... multilateral funding programme within the context of the SEE-ERA.NET network. All 14 countries in the SEE-ERA-NET project have declared that they will participate with national financial contributions to this first pilot joint call: ALBANIA, AUSTRIA, BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA, BULGARIA, CROATIA, FRANCE, GERMANY, GREECE, HUNGARY, THE FORMER YUGOSLAV REPUBLIC OF MACEDONIA, MONTENEGRO, ROMANIA, SLOVENIA, SERBIA. 2. What kind of projects will be funded? The SEE-ERA.NET Pilot Joint Call focuses on specific thematic areas: Food, Agriculture and Biotechnology: sub area “Sustainable production and management of biological resources from land, forest and aquatic environments”Information and Communication Technologies: sub area “Applications Research ...
... EU), etc. Proposals will be evaluated and selected by an independent international selection committee. To be selected, proposals will: Be practice-oriented and relevant to Private Sector Development in the Western Balkans;Be regional in scope, i.e. include at least three countries from the Western Balkans (covering B&H, Kosovo, Macedonia, Montenegro, and Serbia);Have been developed and be implemented through regional collaboration between different partners (independent researchers, research institutes, Universities, etc);Demonstrate originality (i.e cover topics that have not yet been widely researched in the region and/or provide new perspectives);Contain clear ideas about the dissemination of the ...