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33% BiH ICT Sector Profile Document 22. May. 2007
This is a document by FIPA, the Foreign Investment Promotion Agency. At first it tries to describe why to invest in ICT in Bosnia and Herzegovina. It presents FDI opportunities and foundations for the ICT investments. This ICT Sector Profile should assist potential investors to gain a fundamental overview of Bosnia and Herzegovina’s ICT-related investment environment. Foreign Investment Promotion Agency (2005): BiH ICT Sector Profile. Available from: ...
33% Bologna Process Stocktacking (Bergen) Document 22. May. 2007
This is a report from a working group appointed by the Bologna Follow-up Group to the Conference of the European Ministers responsilbe for Higher Education in Bergen 2005. This report concludes that there is good news for the countries involved in the Bologna Process: the collective and voluntary inter-governmental process is a success. Common goals are being pursued and targets are being met by the great majority of countries. There is also good news for higher education institutions, who are ...
33% EC: Serbia 2006 Progress Report Document 22. May. 2007
This is the 2006 Progress Report for Serbia of the European Commission. The report briefly describes the relations between Serbia and the Union; analyses the political situation in Serbia in terms of democracy, the rule of law, humanrights, protection of minorities, and regional issues; analyses the economic situation in Serbia; reviews Serbia's capacity to implement European standards, that is, to gradually approximate its legislation and policies with those of the "acquis", in line with a ...
This is an reprot on science and research in the FYR Macedonia prepared by dr. Viktor Stefov, President of the Council for Science and Research; Ministry of Education and Science, Republic of Macedonia for a UNESCO conference held in Ljubljana in 2006. The report states that The Ministry of Education and Science of Republic of Macedonia is responsible for the science policy in the country, which is organised and executed by the Department of Science and Technology and advised by the Council for ...
This is the 2006 Progress Report for BIH by the European Commission. The report briefly describes the relations between Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Union; analyses the situation in Bosnia and Herzegovina in terms of the political criteria for membership; analyses the situation in Bosnia and Herzegovina on the basis of the economic criteria for membership; reviews Bosnia and Herzegovina's capacity to gradually approximate its legislation and policies with those of the "acquis", in line with a ...
This is the 2006 Progress Report for Macedonia by the European Commission. The report briefly describes the relations between the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia and the Union; analyses the situation in the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia in terms of the political criteria for membership; analyses the situation in the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia on the basis of the economic criteria for membership; reviews former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia's capacity to assume the ...
33% EC: Montenegro 2006 Progress Report Document 22. May. 2007
This is the 2006 Progress Report for Montenegro by the European Commission. The report briefly describes the relations between Montenegro and the Union; analyses the political situation in Montenegro in terms of democracy, the rule of law, human rights, protection of minorities, and regional issues; analyses the economic situation in Montenegro; reviews Montenegro's capacity to implement European standards, that is, to gradually approximate its legislation and policies with those of the acquis, ...
Strategy for Information Society development in Bosnia and Herzegovina is a document that provides a strategic guidelines and plan of actions for develoment of information society in BIH for the period 2004-2010. The strategy is based on vision and goals defined in the Policy of Information Society Development in BIH. Council of Ministers of BIH (2004): Strategy for Information Society development in Bosnia and Herzegovina. the Council of Ministers of BIH
This is a strategy conducted by the Government of Serbia. It outlines that - given the profound promises and pervasive impacts of ICT on national economies and global competition - Serbia needs to embed ICT into their overall development strategies. The National Strategy for Information Society development is a key pre-request for this, having in mind that managing the benefits, risks, and impacts of ICT is a challenging task in view of the complexity and uncertainty of the interaction between ...
This is a report on the implementation of the European Charter for small enterprises in the Westen Balkans 2007. It is stressed that small enterprises are the backbone of the Western Balkan economies. They make a major contribution to job creation and economic development. The adoption in 2003 of the European Charter for Small Enterprises – a pan-European instrument developed under the framework of the Lisbon Agenda – by all the Western Balkan countries and UNMIK/Kosovo contributed ...
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