Bologna Process Stocktacking (Bergen)

This is a report from a working group appointed by the Bologna Follow-up Group to the Conference of the European Ministers responsilbe for Higher Education in Bergen 2005. This report concludes that there is good news for the countries involved in the Bologna Process: the collective and voluntary inter-governmental process is a success. Common goals are being pursued and targets are being met by the great majority of countries. There is also good news for higher education institutions, who are working hard to implement the Bologna actions, and who can now see their achievements made visible. Finally, there is good news for students, because the Bologna Process is creating a better and more open world of learning, with enhanced mobility, transparency, transfer and recognition of qualifications.
Bologna Follow-up Group (2005): Bologna Process Stocktacking (Bergen).


Publication Year


Bologna Follow-up Group
Geographical focus
  • Europe

Entry created by Elke Dall on May 22, 2007
Modified on May 22, 2007