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... Danube Region and Western Balkans, in order to support them in introducing and implementing EU acquis relevant to local and regional governments. The Second  BACID Call for proposals has been launched and will support know-how transfer actions to the target countries: Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, FYR of Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia, Kosovo* and Moldova ...
... protection, certification, promotion, networking and internationalization. Application deadline is October 9, 2015. The Public Call and all necessary documents can be found at    The establishment of STP Belgrade is supported by the Project Science and Technology Park Belgrade - the new export instrument of Serbia, supported by the Swiss Government (Swiss Secretariat of Economic Affairs SECO). The Science Technology Park Belgrade has announced its first public call for admission of new members. The Call is intended for technology companies willing to locate their development programs in a new, modern complex on the brinks of ...
... of Science, representatives of other European countries and other distinguished guests. Source: Regional Cooperation Council (RCC) The RCC reports: Western Balkans ministers of science signed on September 18 in Split an agreement on establishment of the Western Balkans Research and Innovation Centre (WISE), gathering Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Montenegro, Serbia, Kosovo*, and The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia ...
The International Conference is addressed to: Academics, researchers and professionals with a particular interest related to the topics from all parts of the world. Senior and junior researchers are equally welcomed, different academic backgrounds are welcomed.  Post-graduate students, doctoral candidates and young researchers are welcome to submit a paper. Students of Master Program Studies. Representatives of NGOs and activists willing to present their work or projects with impact on or ...
Each year the Commission adopts its "Enlargement package" - a set of documents explaining its policy on EU enlargement and reporting on progress achieved in each country. Most importantly, this package includes the annual Enlargement Strategy Paper which sets out the way forward for the coming year and takes stock of the progress made over the last twelve months by each candidate country and potential candidate. In addition to this strategy paper, the package contains the so-called Progress ...
The development of Business Incubators (BI) and Science and Technology Parks (STP) is one of the most efficient instruments for boosting the local economic development. This topic was recognized as highly important by WBCInno partners, which was the main motive to elaborate the Strategic Development Plan for BIs/STPs in WBC region. This Strategic Plan presents the trends in the development of BIs and STPs at EU and world level as well as the current state in WBC region in this area. This gave ...
... of current RTDI evaluation. It stresses the need for similar initiatives in future. The publication is thematically divided into three parts. In the first part, the reader will be introduced to the topic with an exhaustive comparative study on the contemporary evaluation culture in Austria, Bulgaria, Greece, Hungary, Montenegro, and Serbia. The second part of the publication presents the main achievements of the EVAL-INNO project, including: the RTDI Evaluation Standards; The EVAL-INNO Evaluation Platform; the capacity-building trainings; the benchmarking of RTDI public research organisations in six different countries of the region, and the pilot programme evaluations in Hungary, Montenegro and Serbia ...
The  evaluation  standards  aim  to  contribute  to  the  improved implementation and exploitation of Research, Technological Development and  Innovation (RTDI) measures by promoting meaningful evaluation procedures to foster strategic intelligence building and evidence-based decision-making in the fi eld of science, technology and innovation (STI) policy. They address: authorities commissioning RTDI evaluations (often ministries in charge ...
dding another 84 pilot schools. Only 3 % of children attend preschool education services. Education and training programmes (for both pre-university and university level education) need to improve support for applied and  practical  work,  to  complement  theoretical  teaching  and  learning  practices.  The government has taken actions to prevent dropping out of school, including workshops with parents, students and the community at large, but ...
... One  year  after  the  Berlin  Western  Balkans  Summit,  the  heads  of  government, foreign ministers and economics ministers of Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia, as well as Croatia, Slovenia, last year’s host  Germany,  future  hosts  France  and  Italy,  representatives  of  the  European Commission  and  the  European  External  Action  Service  and  International Financial  Institutions met ...
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