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In October 2007, short impact studies for Tempus in the Western Balkan countries were published by DG Education. Those can be downloaded here. They cover a brief overview on the higher education system, participation of the countries in Tempus and also a brief assessment of the impact. DG Education (2007): Tempus Impact Studies. Available from: Accessed: 14.11.2007. DG Education ...
... management and assessment systems, detection of weak points in the Croatian higher education system and university governance, reinforcement of (or structural change in) relationships between rectorates, central administration and faculties, modernisation of teaching approaches, and the development of international relations services. ==== Impact of Tempus in the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia Tempus, which represents the largest input of education projects (second only to the Ministry of Education) in the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, has contributed to a harmonisation of higher education in terms of unifying curricula, with 70% of higher education institutions stating that over half their curricula are in ...
The SCORE project is running an Open Consultation to find out what are the ICT research priorities for the period 2007 – 2013 in each of the following Western Balkan countries: Albania, Bosnia & Herzegovina, FYR of Macedonia, Serbia. SCORE is an EC funded project that aims to contribute to the shaping of EU ICT research policy in the Western Balkan region, in a way that meets the interests and actual needs of regional ICT stakeholders. Its main contribution will be the development of 4 country-specific ICT Strategic ...
The annual strategy document includes also a summary of the progress made over the last twelve months by each candidate and potential candidate: Croatia, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Turkey, as well as Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Serbia and Kosovo (under UN Security Council Resolution 1244). In addition, the 2007 progress reports were published, where the Commission services monitor and assess the achievements of each of the candidate and potential candidates over the last year. The so-called " ...
SEE-ERA.NET invites to attend the South East European Conference on Innovation, which has the objective to prepare the field for the participation of SMEs and other innovation related structures into the future planned SEE-ERA-NET innovation activities, aiming at: Raising awareness on the potential of joint innovation activitiesDefining the scope of joint innovation activities, building on common interests of the innovation stakeholders by addressing their specific needsDeveloping specific ...
... Development Programme (UNDP), and with the close co-operation of the European Commission Delegation in Sarajevo. Participants include Ministers of Transport and Communication or of Information Society from the Parties in the Stability Pact’s electronic South East Europe (eSEE) initiative – Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Moldova, Montenegro, Serbia, Romania and UNMIK/Kosovo. In addition senior officials of the Stability Pact for South Eastern Europe, UNDP and the EC as well as the Secretary General of the Regional Co-operation Council (RCC), the future successor organisation to the Stability Pact are also participating. In their individual presentations ...
... DIS difficult to come into being. Development in human resources and organization frameworks are the key priorities for BiH in the years to come to prepare for candidate status.Iskra Belvera of the Macedonian Ministry of Finance emphasized the immensity of the challenges that preparations for maaging IPA put on Macedonia. The task is further complicated because during the time of the operation of the European Agency for Reconstruction, Macedonia got used to relying entirely on the Agency for managing aid, and therefore establishment of DIS and the ‘ownership principle' now ...
34% IPA and Research News 31. Oct. 2007
... FP7. But there are many more aspects between IPA and research - compliance with the acquis in respect to research and capacity building to name just two. Croatia for example presented a project on technology transfer and start-up support services, a Science and Innovation Investment Fund and a BioCenter. FYR of Macedonia has a supporting IPA unit within the Ministry for Education and Science and shall improve development of human resources. In Montenegro science is not among the priorities yet but rather Vocational Education. Serbia has good experiences already with CARDS programming and proposed several projects involving also clusters, incubators, business and ...
... document at: /doc/2331.html. The Information Office of the Steering Platform on Research for Western Balkan Countries produced 6 thematic reports on innovation infrastructures in order to enhance the understanding of the national innovation systems in the target countries: Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Montenegro, and Serbia (incl. Kosovo/UNMIK ...
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